- https://xlear.com/washyournose/
Xlear Nasal Spray—Opens, Cleans, and Protects the Airway.CELEBRATE WASH YOUR NOSE DAY WITH A CONTEST!
March 11th is just around the corner, and you know what that means? It’s National Wash Your Nose Day!We are here to spread the word on why keeping your nose clean is just as important as washing your hands and brushing your teeth.
That’s why we’re celebrating in a big way this year with a video contest. It’s time to get creative!
Submit a video of you washing your nose with Xlear Nasal Spray for a chance to WIN BIG – a 1 year supply of Xlear Nasal Spray. Make it funny, make it entertaining, but please, don’t do anything illegal or dangerous to yourself or others.
The videos should be about 30 seconds. You can post it on your social media pages on March 11, and make sure to tag Xlear. Submit the completed video via email to social@xlear.com to enter the contest.
#EmbraceTheUnconventional. Wash your nose.

Thank you for sharing