What’s your worst vacuum disaster? Have you vacuumed up something you weren’t supposed to and burned the motor out? Or maybe you’re like me, and had a broken vacuum spit gobs and gobs of nasty dust and filth all over the floor. Whatever your story, you should head over to Alice.com and tell your tale for a chance to win a Roomba!
Other than spending a half an hour cleaning the aforementioned dust wads up, I haven’t had many spectacular vacuum fails – most of my experiences have simply been with mediocre vacuums that just didn’t work that well. But you should definitely read through the comments on that post, because there are some hilarious stories! And hurry, because this giveaways ends tonight at midnight!
For some reason vacuums are the one thing we go through a lot of.>Claudia>http://www.claudiafranson.blogspot.com