Hi, friends. I hope that you and your loved ones are staying healthy during this unprecedented time. Our local area declared a state of emergency due to COVID-19, and Jai and I have been “Self isolating” at home to do our part in flattening the curve and slowing the spread of this virus. I am very grateful to work from home and, while I understand that many have no choice but to still go to work or unavoidable things such as major medical appointments, I am also grateful to see so many treating this with the gravity that it demands and staying home whenever possible.
I know that one big hurdle for many is trying to figure out how to get everyday supplies when you can’t leave the house and retailers are sold out of basic things like toilet paper. Personally, I’ve been searching around online and have not found a lot of current listings of where to purchase supplies – a lot of the posts I’ve found are from a week ago and long out of date. Since I got into blogging through posting coupons and deals way back in 2008, I’ve spent a long time digging for deals online and thought that this skill could come in handy right about now. Because of this, I’ve decided to start an ongoing series where I will share links to relevant household items that are in stock online as I find them. I hope this will be helpful to you, and make it easier for you to stay home and keep yourself and others safe. I’ll share new posts as I find things and tag them under “Where to Buy COVID-19 Supplies Online” so you can browse the category and check for updates at a glance.
And just as a programming note – don’t worry, this isn’t going to become “COVID-19 Corner”. I’m still going to be publishing my usual fun sweepstakes content as normal, so you’ll still be able to enjoy a distraction from the uncertain times we are in.