Website Review – LA Police Gear

One thing I enjoy about reviewing websites is the fact that I discover so many unusual pages that I never would have seen otherwise – and LA Police Gear is no exception to this. According to their “About Us” page, this website was founded by LA area police officers, and is an online supplier of tactical gear. At first glance, the website seems like it might be exclusive to members of the police force, but the owners say that they also serve members of the military and those in the security field, as well as the general public.

So what exactly do they sell? Well, their stock is reminiscent of a military surplus store – they sell backpacks, body armour, 5.11 Pants and other specialty clothing, plus a lot more. The store seems to be well-configured, and I encountered no errors while browsing it. The site content is a little bit aggressive for my personal tastes, but that’s no shocker, since I’m not exactly a survivalist! If this kind of thing is your cup of tea, I think you’ll enjoy browsing around. If not, you can go read my Care Bear review instead!

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