I’ve heard a lot of expectant mothers complain about how unflattering maternity clothes are. I don’t know why the fashion industry thinks that pregnant women want to wear potato sacks, but style options for moms-to-be have been pretty limited until recent years. Now designers are finally waking up and starting to make cuter maternity clothing. One such boutique is Kiki’s Clothing – see the dress pictured above? That’s one of their creations, and I think it’s very cute. I had a browse around their website, and I thought they had a nice selection. I was also impressed by the affordability of the line, since I’ve heard that “trendy” maternity clothes are often really expensive. If you’re a bargain hunter like me, you should check out their “Under $10” section. They also provided me with a special coupon to share with my readers – just enter the code “blogfriends” at checkout, and you will receive an additional 20% off your order. (I’m not sure if this applies to sale items or not.)
Hi! Well I just placed an order with them yesterday and came across this while searching to see if any one had complaints. Nothing here so when I receive my item I will let you know! And yes I felt very lucky to have come across their site trying to find something cute for Christmas eve. and I too was impressed by their selection of cute affordable maternity clothing!