Website Review: Fire Ants Guide

I think it must be pest control week here on Contest Corner, because on Monday I reviewed Termite Guide, and now I’m reviewing its sister site, Fire Ants Guide. Heaven knows that none of us like having insect infestations, so any advice on how to rid ourselves of them is always welcome.

Luckily, we don’t get fire ants around here – and boy, am I glad. They have a sting that ranks a 1.2 on the Schmidt Sting Pain Index, so it would not be fun to have an invasion of these ants in your home. If you want to know more about the tropical fire ant, you can read all about its habits on here and learn what to do about it. If you have a burning fire ant question (pun intended), you can even submit your own questions on the subject for their “Reader Questions” section.

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