Site Name: Visa Signature’s Go Celebrate
Site URL: http://www.facebook.com/visasignature?sk=app_200150060069716
Prize Description: Visa Signature wants to help you plan the perfect holiday celebration with Visa Signature’s Go Celebrate. Every day, you’ll have a chance to win prizes – from sweet treats and wine to toys and clothes – for family, friends and yourself!
For your chance to win, visit the Visa Signature Facebook Page, and click on the Go Celebrate tab. Drag and drop the gifts you’d like to win for yourself, as well as your friends and family, then submit your plans to see if you are an instant winner. You can play once every day through January 2, 2012. Prizes could include credit to Fandango.com, Macy’s, Wine.com, or Crate & Barrel. No purchase necessary.
Entry deadline: January, 2nd 2011
Open to: US
Enter this giveaway here: http://www.facebook.com/visasignature?sk=app_200150060069716