I’ve reviewed a lot of food by Tropical Traditions – like their coconut flour, palm shortening, and coconut oil – but did you know that they also have a line of household cleaners? Their site Household Traditions deals exclusively in this line of products, and I was curious to see what their cleaning supplies were like. I was sent a complimentary tub of their Oxygen Bleach to review, and I was eager to test it out on my laundry.
The first thing I did was test the bleach on some extraordinarily stubborn stains. One of Jai’s shirts has a large discoloration from some sort of wood varnish, and another has rust-colored spots on it. I have tried everything to remove these stains, to no avail – soaking in hot water with regular bleach, powerful stain remover, you name it; so I figured I would see if the Oxygen Bleach could help.
The Oxygen Bleach comes in powdered form, a bit like laundry detergent. I put a generous amount in the washing machine with hot water and soaked the shirts overnight; unfortunately, the stains remain. No other product has been successful at this task, nor are the stains fresh, so I’m really not sure if anything is capable of treating these stains. (Anyone reading this know how to remove wood varnish stains?!)
For my next test subject, I used a pair of Jai’s pants that had gotten covered in dirt and grime when he was replacing windshield wipers on the car. I threw this in the wash with some Oxygen Bleach, and this is how they looked when I pulled them out:
Spotless – good as new! This got everything out without me using any additional stain removers. I’m glad to add this to my laundry shelf – and since it’s multi-purpose, it can also be used for other household cleaning needs; so I have a feeling it will be handy to have in my cleaning arsenal.
Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.
Want to put Oxygen Bleach to the test on your own laundry pile? Click here to enter my giveaway for a 6-lb tub!
WOW, it worked, I'm amazed at all the uses of Coconut. Good as new