Everybody’s working through the weekend! I just wanted to let everyone know that we’re doing another round of site work this weekend. Our current giveaway submission system starting causing some errors and conflicts after the newest WordPress update came out last week, and so I’ve temporarily deactivated it in order to troubleshoot. Unfortunately, our previously published contest listings aren’t visible when the giveaway submission plugin is deactivated, so you’ll notice that a lot of the posts on the site are suddenly blank. This will resolve once I re-activate the plugin, which I’ll be doing within the hour, so fortunately this is a very temporary issue, but I wanted to give a heads-up for those of you reading right now! Apologies for the inconvenience, we’ll be back to normal very soon! UPDATE – 5:49 PM PST: Everything is back up and running normally now. Thanks for bearing with us!

Beeb Ashcroft is Contest Corner's owner, editor & head writer. A journalist since 1997, Beeb began her career in print and parlayed this into the online realm by creating Contest Corner in 2008. Born in London, England, Beeb moved to the United States in 1989 and currently lives on the North Oregon Coast with her husband Jai and pet rabbit Keeli.