Now that Spring is officially here, plants are starting to bloom, temperatures are beginning to warm up, and sights are set on fresh beginnings as winter ends and we look forward to summer. It can also be a hectic time: Spring cleaning and taxes, anyone?? Luckily, our friends at Simply Potatoes offer quick mealtime solutions to make your days a little simpler. And one lucky Contest Corner reader will win one coupon good for a free Simply Potatoes product to help them streamline their mealtime, so read on!
As you may recall, I reviewed Simply Potatoes hash browns a few months back. I enjoyed them so much, that when I received two more free product coupons for the purposes of this article, we decided to snag two more delicious bags of hash browns. This time, we got one bag of their traditional Shredded Hash Browns and one bag of a new-to-us variety, Southwest Style Hash Browns. The Southwest Style includes onions, peppers and jalapeños in addition to the potatoes, and I think this might just be my new favorite Simply Potatoes product. The combination of flavors really jazzes the hash browns up – it’s delicious!
Hash browns are quite versatile – you can use them in everything from casseroles to breakfast fry-ups. I’ve been known to cook big breakfasts for company with hash browns, eggs, bread/muffins, fruit, and whatever else I might have on hand. I like pre-packaged hash browns because they’re reliable – I don’t know why, but the last time I tried to make them from scratch, it turned into a time-consuming, gray, soggy mess; I think I didn’t squeeze out enough of the water. Thankfully, it’s not as easy to mess up ready-made hash browns. 😉 I have my own “Recipe” that I made up using Simply Potatoes hash browns:
Dinner For The Busy & Exhausted
1. Open a bag of Simply Potatoes hash browns.
2. Cook it in a pan.
3. Put it on a plate.
4. Sprinkle with garlic salt and add a dollop of sweet chili sauce.
5. Eat. 😉
All kidding aside, I’d be lying if I said I’d never eaten breakfast for dinner. Some days, simple is king!

The hallmark of a busy night: Eating food at my desk. I’m dining on Southwest Style Hash Browns, reading my email and listening for messages on my cellphone, with ambiance provided by the Duran Duran CD you see in the background. The hash browns are a bit burnt because I was trying to cook them and work simultaneously – well, I guess I CAN mess up pre-packaged hash browns after all! 😉
If you’re a little more ambitious than me, be sure to check out the Simply-fied Recipes on the Simply Potatoes website with ideas on how to create a meal using hash browns and more.
Giveaway Time!

One lucky Contest Corner reader will win a coupon good for one free Simply Potatoes product! Click here to locate a retailer near you. Here’s how to enter:
1. For your first entry, just leave a comment on this post telling me how Simply Potatoes could help make your springtime meals easier! This step is required to qualify for the drawing.
Want extra entries? Do any of the following, and leave a separate comment for each one:
2. Write a post on your blog linking to this giveaway. Then come back here and leave a comment with the link!
3. Click here to follow Simply Potatoes on Twitter, then come back here and leave a comment on this post with your Twitter username!
4. Write about this on Twitter using hashtag #simplypotatoes, then come back and leave me the link to your tweet! One Twitter entry per person. You can use the button at the bottom of this post to tweet with one click!
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Simply Potatoes could help make my springtime meals easier as an effortless side dish or entree starter ヅ *Thanks* for the giveaway!
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good stuff
Simply Potatoes could help make my springtime meals easier as a side dish with meatloaf
follow Simply potatos via twitter susan1215
There shredded hashbrowns make it really easy for my breakfast casserols
My son is starting to like potatoes, this would help me to put together a quick meal for him!
They make things easier because I would always have potatoes on hand for a quick meal. Thanks.
email subscriber
I love mashed potatos but who wants to spend time in the kitchen peeling and cutting and boiling then mashing with such nice weather outside? Simply Potatos would sure make me feel better about having to fix dinner.
Following Simply Potatoes on twitter as BBirdie2
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Have your button at http://beachbird2.blogspot.com
Simply potatoes HAS made my dinner times easier and will continue to in spring I’m sure! We get the mashed potatoes, heat them up, and then Separately heat up some canned soup, like beef stew. Then all you do is pour the soup over individual servings of potatoes and you have a full balanced meal in literally minutes! I LoVe this product!
blue65829 at aol dot com
less prep time
Simply Potatoes will make my springtime meals easy, especially breakfast. Fry up the taters with onion and pepper, and add scrambled eggs. Easy one dish recipe!
Email subscriber 🙂
This would give us some variety from the usual types of potatoes we seem to always fall back on.
This would make a good addition to bacon/sausage and eggs.
I follow Simply Potatoes on Twitter (LIDARKSIDE).
I tweeted this giveaway on Twitter.
There shredded hashbrowns make it really easy for my breakfast casserols
can save time with them
follow Simply Potatoes on Twitter, bleush
it would save tons of time with peeling potatoes debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
emailsub debbie jackson
djackson1958 at hotmail dot com
such an easy side to any meal
followed simply potatoes on twitter @caseyle2010
Well, I make a potato cassarole and hand grate the potatoes, this would simplify my process by having them already grated for me!
I would love to use Simply Potatoes for springtime breakfast casseroles.
I subscribe to your blog updates via email.
SImply Potatoes would make springtime meals easier by taking all the prep work out of potato
I am an email subscriber.
Once the weather’s nice, we stay out side in the yard more. So, we often have breakfast foods for dinner. Simply Potatoes would be a quick addition.
I’m an e-mail subscriber.
Simply Potatoes could help make my springtime meals easier by adding variety
I sub to email
After a busy day at work I could try to surprise my husband with an easy yummy dinner. Then we would have time to go for a walk. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Follow Simply Potatoes on Twitter. @kdonelson. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/kdonelson/status/186986107693572097
kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Subscribe to email updates with the following address. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
I love using these potatoes to make a quick meal – I fry up the hashbrowns, add ground beef, onion and cheese. It’s quick and everyone loves it!
It would help make meals easier/faster because they are already chopped or grated 🙂