I’ve been reading a lot about the topic of setting goals recently. It’s a subject that I see discussed frequently – between the new year and an ever-changing world, I think many people are feeling the urgency to make a change and improve their situation. Some individuals seeking to shake things up in a big way will even hire a “Life coach”. What, exactly, is a life coach? According to Wikipedia, this term refers to a practice where an individual is hired to give you advice and help you to set and achieve goals. They are not a counselor – as I understand it, they’re more like your own personal advice columnist, someone who is meant to guide you in time management and setting achievable goals. A life coach is not to be confused with a “Performance coach”, although there are many professionals who offer both services. Remember the Metallica documentary Some Kind of Monster? The man they hired to work with the band referred to himself a performance coach. Confused? Me too!
As you can tell, I’ve never had any experience with this type of professional. Although I have a healthy skepticism about any self-help practice, I can see where a life coach or motivational book could be really helpful for people in identifying how to make the changes they want. I’m not sure if there are even any life coaches practicing in Seaside, although I could easily find a life coach in Portland and make the hour and a half drive if I was so inclined. I just don’t know that it would be a fit for me. While I actively seek out and welcome new ideas, my problem at the moment isn’t that I don’t have goals, or a manageable plan of action, or motivation. My issue is simply that I’ve been slowed down for a long time by my health issues. I’ve done everything to rework my schedule to make time for the 1-2 hours of physiotherapy that is required each day, and I’ve outsourced the tasks that I can’t do at the moment. I will admit, I do feel frustrated sometimes when I hear some self-help experts say that if you’re overwhelmed, you’re likely doing something wrong in managing your time. I understand that for some that may be the case, but you know what? Sometimes, when you’re overwhelmed, it’s because life can be difficult, not because you’re spending your time poorly. I’m very efficient and focused in using my time, but the reality is, I’m physically limited in what I can do and I lose a chunk of my time each day just doing rehabilitation exercises. Come to think of it, if there is a life coach that has experience in helping people with temporarily disabling injuries, they might actually be an encouragement to me.
While we were preparing for a garage sale last year, I came across a long to-do list from when I was 12. It struck me as funny because I suddenly realized what a “Type-A” personality I must be to have been keeping all these lists and fretting over to-dos since then! 😉 The list was pretty awesome, because it included things like “Sew dresses for Barbie’s wedding”. Ha!! So what are your goals for 2012? Obviously for me, my #1 goal is to continue my physio until I regain all of my mobility. I also have a number of business goals that I’m currently working towards. As my health gets better, I scale my goals up accordingly. When my knees are recovered my major goals are to resume wedding planning in earnest, working out (Not on the stair machine!), and working on our home renovations. Above all, my goal is to not lose my mind while I’m cooped up!
What do you hope to achieve in 2012? Is there anything that you feel is holding you back, like me, or are you just not sure where to start? Have you ever seen a life coach?
I really want to be more organized this year. Some days, between blogging, my ‘real life’ job, kids, and life I just get scattered. Lists are helpful. If I write stuff down I am way better at getting it done. I have never tried a life coach…I am curious as to what they would recommend.
There is so much I want to accomplish this year, but I just can’t find the drive to get started. I am such a procrastinator. I think it would be really helpful to have someone there pushing me on to help me meet my goals!
Goal setting is so important. As the old saying goes, if you aim at nothing, you are sure to hit it every time!
Goals are important no matter how you get there, direction is a starting point that may lead to bigger and better things!
I’ve considered pursuing a career as a life coach but since I’m always trying to muster my mojo maybe I should hire one instead 🙂
I write lists all the time. It’s too hard to keep up with all my responsibilities if I don’t!
If you’d like a tool for setting your goals, you can use this web application:
You can use it to manage your goals, projects and tasks, set next actions and contexts, use checklists, and a calendar.
Syncs with Evernote and Google Calendar, and also comes with mobile version, and Android and iPhone apps.