Like many other children of the 80’s, the Care Bears were a big part of my childhood. And now the Care Bears have been re-imagined for the next generation with their latest DVD, “Care Bears: Tell-Tale Tummies”. And three lucky Contest Corner readers will win a copy of this DVD, so read on!
I’ve always loved the Care Bears, as evidenced by this snapshot from the mid-eighties. I still have my beloved Care Bear, and many fond childhood memories. Now that everything 80’s is cool again, people who grew up with the show are introducing it to their own children.
“Care Bears: Tell-Tale Tummies” is an 88-minute DVD containing 8 fun episodes. The animation style has been updated and modernized, and looks quite different from the original series. I honestly can’t remember much else about the old cartoon itself, so I’m not really sure how else this differs from the original, but the basic premise is the same. Each episode on this DVD centers around honesty, illustrating the importance of truthfulness through the various mis-adventures of the bears. For example, in the first episode one of the bears accidentally breaks a machine that Grumpy Bear is working on, and later fibs about it. Her conscious keeps bothering her in the form of her grumbling “Tell-Tale Tummy” until she fesses up, and realizes that everything is much better when you tell the truth. I really liked how the characters are well-rounded – even though Grumpy Bear has a grouchy personality, he’s still kind-hearted and quick to forgive the other bear for breaking his device after she apologizes for her mistake. The bears are compassionate and understanding of each other, which is another imporant lesson to be gleaned as well as the solid advice about integrity and honesty. All in all, I thought this was a cute show and brought back good memories of my own Care Bear-filled childhood.

3 lucky winners will receive a copy of “Care Bears: Tell-Tale Tummies” on DVD!
1. For your first entry, share a Care Bear memory with me by leaving a comment on this post! Or, if you didn’t grow up with the Care Bears, then just tell me why you’d like to win!
This step is required to qualify for the drawing. Be sure to leave an email address with your comment, so that I may notify you in the event that you are the lucky winner!
Want extra entries? Do any of the following, and leave a separate comment for each one:
2. Write a post on your blog linking to this giveaway. Then come back here and leave me the link!
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Rules, regulations, and other important stuff: Giveaway ends on July 20th at 11:59 PM, PST. Winners will be chosen the following day via Winners have 48 hours to respond to my notification email, or a new winner will be chosen in their place. Giveaway is open to US residents.
I absolutely loved care bears growing up. loved the tv shoes and I collected them as well. I think we still have them packed away in storage somewhere. maybe there worth some money now 🙂
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Oh they were so cute! I had one figure that had a birthday candle on his tummy! I still have that coloring book in the attic somewhere! I’d love to win this for my little girl!
I’m not an 80’s kids so no memories…I mean, I remember the various names and stuff when I was younger, but not much else. However, I’d love to win b/c it looks cute and I can think of a few younger kids that might enjoy this!!
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My girls are huge care bear fans! My favorite character was always the lion though.
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I didn’t grow up with the Care Bears because I grew up overseas, but my toddler loves them!
treflea4 at gmail dot com
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treflea4 at gmail dot com
Mu daughter wants this DVD!
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i’ve still got a care bears christmas ornament 🙂
I remember having a rainbow bear, I loved rainbows I also had rainbow bright. Thanks
I remember being so thrilled when I received my first paycheck at my new job being able to take my little sister to the store and purchasing her first Care Bear.. she had wanted one forever.. She was thrilled and still has the original Bear and several others for her little Princess to enjoy!
Thanks for the chance.
itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com
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itsjustmerene2003 at yahoo dot com
I loved the care bears growing up! My favorite care bear memory happened in college though. My husband (boyfriend at the time) and I went to his house during high school homecoming week, and he won a slam dunk contest at his former school- their mascot was a bear. I still have that bear : )
oheeyore at hotmail dot com
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oheeyore at hotmail dot com
I was a little old for them when CareBears came out but my sister was absolutely obsessed with them. She is almost 30 years old and STILL loves them. Her daughter has all of the stuffed animals and I think almost all of the movies and videos. They love the CareBears!
I was a little old for them when CareBears came out but my sister was absolutely obsessed with them. She is almost 30 years old and STILL loves them. Her daughter has all of the stuffed animals and I think almost all of the movies and videos. They love the CareBears!
I was a little old for them when CareBears came out but my sister was absolutely obsessed with them. She is almost 30 years old and STILL loves them. Her daughter has all of the stuffed animals and I think almost all of the movies and videos. They love the CareBears!
The best memory I have of Care Bears is when my daughter was younger and she would carry her bear everywhere. It did end up looking pretty ratty and I was just a little embarrassed when we were out shopping and people would see her with her poor dirty ripped and sewn up bear.
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My son loves Carebears and carries his Luckbear that his cousin gave with him most places we go. 🙂 He would be so excited if I won one of these.
I had a big ol’ grumpy bear growing up.
Care bears are just so darn cute
Share a Care Bear memory? Hmmm… well, I remember a Care Bear my sister gave me (Baby Hugs Bear). I thought it was so cute. It had a cloth diaper. 🙂
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
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I have your Contest Corner button on my blog. (You may have to scroll down a bit.)
roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I loved the carebear cartoon but my sister was the one who actually loved the carebear stuffed animals etc… Now I buy my middle daughter care bears her self. I love the carebears because they teach lessons along with their character of love
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roseinthemorning [at] gmail [dot] com
I would love to win this for my grandaughter. I have fond memories of her mother playing wiht her care bears
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I had a ton of Care Bears while growing up, and I was so excited to buy my daughter her first when she was born! She loves them, and we love to watch Care bear DVD’s together!