Review & Giveaway – Brez Snoring Aids

Review & Giveaway – Brez Snoring Aids

Brez, a premium nasal breathing aid, hopes to give you a better night’s sleep by reducing disruptive snoring. Brez is a small, pliable nasal aid that fits inside your nostrils, opening your nasal passages and increasing airflow. The goal is that by propping open these nasal passages, the vibrations that can cause snoring may be reduced. And one lucky Contest Corner reader will win a 2-month supply of Brez, so read on!

My Take:

I volunteered Jai to be my guinea pig for this review, since he’s the snorer in our household. We received a four-day supply of Brez, and I was eager to see if it would work!
Brez is a small, one-time use nasal aid that fits just inside your nostrils. You insert it right before bed, and dispose of it the following morning. The first day that Jai wore the Brez was certainly peaceful for me. It cut out the snoring almost completely, save for one or two muffled snorts. Hooray!
Sadly, days 2 and 3 weren’t as successful. His snoring was in full force – somewhat muffled, but loud enough to keep me awake! So I was very glad on day four, when the snoring stopped once again. The silence was indeed golden that night.

I asked Jai how it felt to wear them, and he said that they were noticeable and a bit distracting, but that it would be worth wearing them if it cut down on the snoring signifigantly. I don’t think there’s any magic cure-all for snoring, but I do think that these can help reduce the problem. And of course, I am not a doctor, so this is just my opinion and not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical condition!

Giveaway time!

Would you like to try out the Brez system for yourself or a loved one? One lucky reader will win four boxes of Brez, worth $67. Each box contains 14 nasal aids, so you can try the system out for two months!

Here’s how to enter:

1. For your first entry, go the Brez blog ( and enter a comment. Then come back and leave your Snorum comment number on this post.

This step is required to qualify for the drawing. Be sure to leave an email address with your comment, so that I may notify you in the event that you are the lucky winner!

Want extra entries? Do any of the following, and leave a separate comment for each one:

2. Write a post on your blog linking to this giveaway and Brez. Then come back here and leave me the link!
3. Write about this on Twitter, then come back and leave me the link to your tweet!
4. Subscribe to my blog updates by entering your email into the “Subscribe” box in the sidebar. Then come back and leave me the email you subscribed with!
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Rules, regulations, and other important stuff:
Giveaway ends on July 27th at 11:59 PM, PST. Winner will be chosen the following day via Winner has 48 hours to respond to my notification email, or a new winner will be chosen in their place.
Giveaway is open to US residents.

16 thoughts on “Review & Giveaway – Brez Snoring Aids

  1. I was #3. Maybe I commented on the wrong post.

    This looks amazing! I would love to get a quiet nights rest!

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