Back in July, we unveiled our kitchen’s new look. This was the final room that we repainted, and marked a major finishing point in our decade of renovations. However, as every homeowner knows, you’re never truly “Done”, and there were still some finishing touched to sort out in the kitchen. Exhibit A:

That’s our old faucet. It’s a beauty, right? This faucet was 20+ years old, and between it and its pipes, had seen much better days. It had become so leaky that the faucet’s occasional drip turned into a small, near-constant stream of water. Since we were in the middle of repainting, we’d knew we’d replace the faucet next as we had time to deal with it – the pipe was way jimmied up and cobbled together, so we knew it wouldn’t be a straightforward, 20-minute project to fix – so in the meantime, we turned the hot water off underneath the sink and only turned it on as we needed to use the water, since we didn’t want to waste water constantly with this egregious drip.
So when I received a gift certificate to ATG Stores, it was the perfect opportunity to choose a replacement faucet. After looking around their selection, we decided that the Hardware House 12-3334 Kitchen Faucet was our best bet, since it fit our needs and was within the budget of the gift card. We had a few bucks left over, and since ATG Stores carries general home items in addition to appliances, I threw in a Run ‘N Romp dog toy for Bob. He had fun tearing it apart, as he does with most doggie toys. 😉

Now, onto the business of installing the faucet. Jai decided to do this during the weekend I was in Chicago, so it would minimally interfere with my ability to use the kitchen.

I cannot tell you how nice it was to come home from my business trip and see this:

I asked Jai how it went and he said it was “As easy and straightforward to install as could be”. The setup with the pipes coming out of the house are a bit quirky, just like everything else in this 1929-built home, so Jai took the hose into Home Depot in order to find the right size for the replacement; but everything on the faucet end was completely standard and not tricky at all.
In case you’re wondering about the caulking behind the sink – when Jai got down to the business of pulling out the old faucet, he noticed that the countertop behind the faucet had eroded, which we weren’t aware of. We will replace this when it’s convenient, but after 10 years of renovating the house I am ready for a break, so I implored Jai to just put some caulk over it for now. Owning a home is tantamount to having 99 problems, so sometimes you have to choose your battles. 😉
As for using the faucet, it’s been great. As you can see, we have an attachment screwed to the faucet head so that we can hook up our portable dishwasher, which works great. The faucet is very aesthetically pleasing, and its height allows me to fill things like stockpots with so much more ease. The sprayer also works great, unlike the old one, which has been broken for almost as long as the old faucet had been installed for. But don’t take my word for it, see for yourself:

Have you done any mini-renovations lately?
I love your trendy new faucet! We could use a new one in our kitchen.
yea, it was time for a new facuet. looks much better and hopefully will last a long time!
I love the sleek look the faucet gives to your kitchen sink! I’ve never seen a faucet so tall…I like it!
Very nice! I am in need of an upgrade on my sink. The sprayer is starting to fall apart.
I love the new faucet, Beeb! I like the height too so you can put pots under it to fill with liquid. And Bob sounds like Rio. He tears apart all his toys.
That’s a shiny new beauty! Makes a huge difference!!! I can relate to having old dingy stuff in the kitchen.
Wow, it’s not even funny how such a small update can change things. That looks AMAZING!
Wow that looks so good. I wish
Oh I LOVE how that turned out, looks awesome!
Wow! What a difference! That faucet is gorgeous and I love how tall it is.
Fancy-schmancy! Love your new faucet. Love ATG Stores! I purchased some lamps, rugs and a table from them last year when we were renovating our home. Lots of fab products and priced just right.
That’s a beautiful faucet. What an change a little faucet can make!
Yup! I would say you needed an update badly. Neat faucet. I just hate the work of home remodeling. We are do it yourselfers and it is just exhausting, but so worth it in the end.
We just did a faucet renovation a few months ago and it TRULY is amazing how much it can improve the look of your kitchen! Great job on the install!
No wonder you are so happy, terrific improvement and love the height!
Wow, what a huge improvement.
I love how high it is so you can put things underneath the water and still have room..it looks great! Did a great job!!
Are you kidding? A new faucet did all that? It looks like a totally different sink……My husband will hate you after I tell him that he has yet another to-do :0)
The kitchen faucet looks really nice. Love how it shines! Thanks for sharing.
I love having a nice high faucet like this one.
We need a new faucet in the kitchen and this one is so nice thanks for sharing.