Razorpit Review

Razorpit Review

Father's Day Gift Guide


Contest Corner Received Complimentary Samples to Write This Review!

Shaving products are a classic gift item for Father’s Day. This year, why not give dad a unique supplement to his shaving routine – a sharpener for his disposable blades? I recently received a Razorpit blade sharpener to review, and I must say, I was intrigued. I have a pretty big stockpile of razors thanks to coupon shopping, which is a good thing, since they dull down pretty quickly and have to be tossed. The idea of having a sharpener that could make them last longer really appealed to my frugal mind – think how much longer I could make my stockpile of freebie razors last now! 😀

The idea is pretty simple: The Razorpit is made of rubbery material that you lather up with shave gel, then “Shave” using your razor. You push it across the surface “Against the grain” as it were, then rinse the unit and your razor. The goal is that it cleans your razor thoroughly in order to sharpen it. As far as I can tell, it does seem to be sharpening my razor and does an awesome job cleaning it. I also love that the Razorpit doubles as a holder for your razor when it’s not in use – that helps to keep the shower a little more organized. This is something that is really handy for the whole household, since I use disposable razors daily and Jai also shaves with them sometimes – he uses an electric razor primarily, but now that we have a way of hopefully extending the life of his disposables, it should make it a little easier for him to use those more frequently too!

Razorpit is available for purchase on Razorpit.com.

13 thoughts on “Razorpit Review

  1. We have a pile of disposable razors around the house from couponing too. I am always trying to get them to last longer. I need to check into this.

  2. Oh man, how cool is that?? Um, I totally need this! My hubby goes through his like they are going out of style.. and he has expensive taste too!

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