I love Halloween – it’s one of my favorite times of year! I love to decorate, carve pumpkins, make festive food, and I always put a lot of thought into what costume I’ll be donning. So when Costume Super Center offered me a complimentary outfit of my choice from their wide selection of Halloween costumes, I knew I’d have a blast picking a fun costume!

You would have thought that with all the costumes they have to offer, I’d spend ages choosing the perfect getup. But the choice became immediately clear when I laid eyes on a Pink Power Ranger Costume. This, my friends, was one of the most awesome costumes I have seen in a long time!

I was a huge Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fan as a child. Pink Ranger was my idol – if you couldn’t tell by my website layout, I’ve always been a big fan of pink! So the instant I saw this costume, the choice became immediately clear.
When I received my costume in the mail, my inner ten year old was thrilled! I ended up receiving one size smaller than I had anticipated, so at first I was concerned that it wouldn’t fit. However, I tried it on and it fit just fine! Hooray for wearing one size smaller!
The authenticity and attention to detail on this costume really impressed me. This costume looks just like the one on the original series, from the skirt to the Power Morpher belt. The helmet is actually wrap-around, and not just a one-sided mask; it snaps together with velcro. This is such a nice touch and really looks like the actual character, and not just a lame costume! There are no gloves or boots, but that’s the only part that is different.

It’s Morphin’ Time!
The costume is one big bodysuit that you step into, which also snaps together with velcro on the back. Durability wise, the costume is typical of any you might buy; the mask is made out of very light plastic and the suit is made from thin material. The velcro is not extraordinarily secure, so you may find it coming unfastened – the belt kept popping off when I sat down, but to be fair, this costume is somewhat snug because it’s a size smaller than I would normally get. Given that this is somewhat of a fragile costume, I will take care when I’m wearing it so that it doesn’t get damaged. As long as you bear this in mind, you won’t be disappointed.
I am so excited about this costume – it’s going to be epic! I don’t normally “Recycle” costumes, but this is truly too awesome to only wear once; I’ll have to bust it out at some point during next Halloween, just because it’s so morphinominal!
Whether you’re looking for children’s costumes or adult costumes, Costume Super Center has a huge assortment of fun getups. Halloween is this Sunday, but there’s still time to order – Costume Super Center offers guaranteed Halloween delivery!
So readers, I’d love to know: What are you going as for Halloween?
congrats on finding your inner power ranger! I have an old standby costume… I bring out my inner witch every year …
You look awesome! A pink Power Ranger – You rock!!! But seriously, that is awesome they carry such cute adult costumes…will definitely have to keep them in mind! THANKS!
You are rocking this costume. You know I never got into the Power Rangers, but love the pink. Love Costume Supercenter:)
DId you feel like you could kick awesome butt in it? I think I need one too!
Yippee for bringing out your inner child!
You look adorable.
Pink is definitely your color!!
I’m going to be a bar wench!
Happy Halloween.
awesome costume looks just like the show.
You look awesome as a pink power ranger! Have a great Halloween!
LOL! LOVE It! I never dress up for Halloween anymore, maybe I should start?
I personally don’t dress up, but i have 3 boys to dress up and take out, so I think I am dressed up as frazzled mom lol. My boys are little 4,2, and 8 months. They are going to be a tiger, frog, and bear.
That’s definitely one of the cooler costumes I’ve seen! I’m busting out my old standby too – a poodle skirt. My little girls are going to be Rainbow Brite and Alice (in Wonderland.)
Stopping by from This For That! 🙂
Looks like fun! The pink ranger was always my favorite 😛
We’re going to go trick-or-treating! My boy is going to be a dinosaur & the baby will be peas in a pod 🙂
Here from This for That!
My kid wants me to be Jessie from Toy Story..but I think I am just going to go as me and enjoy myself 🙂
Happy Halloween
Thanks for stopping by, everyone! I loved hearing all about your Halloween plans!
go Pink Ranger!
visiting from Ten Talents…
You are my hero.. I love that you can try these for all of us! It actually looks really comfortable..
Love it! You are going to have a great Halloween 🙂 That really does look like a high quality costume! This is our daughter’s 2nd Halloween even though she’s just 14 months, so we are going to take her to our church to play some games. I’m going to “try” to dress her up, but she will probably resist that with everything she has!
It does look pretty “authentic” – not like the cheap plasticy ones i have seen over the years
Thanks, guys! 🙂
Tara – you’re right, it is very comfy!
Stephanie – aww, sounds like you’ll have a really nice time on Halloween! 🙂
Hi, I’m planning on buying this too. What size did u get & what size are you normally, if u don’t mind me asking? It looks like it fits perfectly!