Nutrisystem Week 9 Weigh-In

Nutrisystem Week 9 Weigh-In

It’s the end of week 9 on Nutrisystem, and I can’t wait to share our progress with you!

Beeb’s Weigh-In:

Beeb's Weight - Week 9

Starting Weight: 164.5 lbs
Week 9 weight: 153.8 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 10.7 lbs
Goal Weight: 110 lbs

My measurements this week were 10.5 inches on the arms, 39 inches on the chest, 32.5 inches on the waist, 40.5 inches on the hips, and 20 inches on the thighs. That’s half an inch down on the arms, half an inch down on the waist, half an inch down on the hips, with the thighs and chest remaining the same as last week.

Jai’s Weigh-In:

Jai's Weight - Week 9

Starting Weight: 217.5 lbs
Week 9 Weight: 192.2 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 25.3 lbs
Goal Weight: 158 lbs

Jai’s measurements this week were 13.5 inches on the arms, 41 inches on the chest, 38 inches on the waist, 39 inches on the hips, and 22 inches on the thighs. That’s half an inch up on the arms, 1 inch down on the chest, 1 inch down on the waist, 1 inch down on the hips, and 1.5 inches down on the thighs from last week.

I am celebrating this week because I have officially hit the 10-pound milestone! WOO-HOO!! That’s 2 pounds lost this week. I am so excited. Jai is also doing great this week, losing 2.8 pounds and crossing the 25-pound mark!

This week, we stuck to the plan as usual and I have faithfully been drinking all my water and eating my carrots! Another “Win” this week is that my knees have been feeling the very strongest they have felt since I injured them in 2010. 2010!! I’ve been able to go for more walks as a result, as well as do more projects around the house. I can also walk a lot faster than I could before. Nothing that I’m doing at the moment is like a true “Workout” – I’m not going to the gym or anything – but it makes a huge difference just being more mobile. Obviously, if all you can do is sit all day, it makes it very difficult for the body to burn calories. So I’m feeling awesome! Also, on the workout front, Jai has also been able to start running again, which has been satisfying and helped his progress as well.

Also, here’s an anecdote from this week that gives you an idea of how we’re able to integrate this into our “Normal” life. I had a project I was working on for a review last week that involves a food that is not on the plan. So we told Grandma that we were bringing dinner over, and brought the non-Nutrisystem food for her and the Nutrisystem food for us! She was able to taste-test it so that I could write my article, and she appreciated the free food and easy meal. While hers was cooking, I quickly microwaved the meals for Jai and myself. We were all able to sit around the family table and enjoy dinner together while still following the program! In some ways, I think it works out better that we are on Nutrisystem, as Grandma is the hostess with the mostess and insists on going to a huge amount of work to cook for her family when we go over to her house even though we tell her not to go to all that trouble. This way, since she knows that we’re on this plan and will be eating our own food, she won’t feel like she ought to make some elaborate meal. She still goes to a lot of trouble setting a fancy table for our Nutrisystem meals, but hey, at least it saves her some work. 😉

I’m so excited to have earned my first Nutribear! I can’t wait to see what the rest of August has in store!

As members of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Panel, Jai and I will be receiving the Nutrisystem program free of charge in order to share our honest opinions with you. Always consult with your physician before embarking on any weight loss or exercise program.

Nutrisystem SUCCESS

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting!

18 thoughts on “Nutrisystem Week 9 Weigh-In

  1. Yay, that is so awesome!! So proud of both of you and congrats on the bear! Great news about your knees as well woohooo

  2. Looks like you are doing great! Now that I just recently delivered my last little one I could use a program like this.

  3. I had carrots today too…dipped in a nice low fat ranch dressing. Its not a hot fudge sundea but hopefully it will help drop the pounds! Congrats!

  4. That is awesome! I am on a weight loss journey as well and it is always good to hear encouraging stories! It helps me to drink a protein shake instead of eating a candy bar. 🙂 Keep up the great work!

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