Happy Monday! It’s time for our latest Nutrisystem weigh-in:
Beeb’s Weigh-In:
Starting Weight: 164.5 lbs
Week 33 weight: 131.2 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 33.3 lbs
Goal Weight: 110 lbs
Jai’s Weigh-In:
Starting Weight: 217.5 lbs
Week 33 Weight: 175.6 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 42.7 lbs
Goal Weight: 158 lbs
I lost one pound this week, bringing me down to 131.2. I’m so excited to be in the low 130s! It’s pretty neat to be on my 33rd week of Nutrisystem with 33 pounds lost. Jai had a small gain of .2 lbs this week – when he woke up on Saturday morning, he actually had some pain in his side and suspects that he might have the beginnings of a kidney stone, so he immediately got up and drank a full bottle of water. That was right before he weighed in, so he knew it wouldn’t help him on the scale any, but he felt better as soon as he drank the water and that’s all that matters. Jai and I have struggled to drink enough over the fall and winter months, just because it’s so cold – I actually think that resuming our gym membership will help with this, since the gym is well-heated and it’s easy to drink water when you’re moving around and sweating as opposed to when you’re sitting in a cold office for hours on end.
We will be starting up our membership again on Friday, which is the first of the month, and I’m really excited about how it will help us both. There is equipment at the gym which I don’t have that will assist me – for example, they have ballet bars which I can support my weigh on while I practice squatting down, so I can get my knees used to that motion again and continue my rehabilitation. A gym membership is also nice to have this time of year, since I can walk on the treadmill or use the stationary bike as cardio on days where walking may be unpleasant, not to mention take advantage of all the weight machines for upper arms and abs, so that I can continue to regain my muscle tone. For Jai, this will help him break out of his plateau, since he can take advantage of all the intense cardio machines and classes that the gym offers.
In the meantime, I’ve been alternating between going for walks with Jai or following exercise videos in the living room, depending on the weather. For my workouts at home, what I’ve been doing is using some of my physiotherapy exercises as a warm-up and cool-down, then following a fitness video on YouTube. I usually pick a new one each day from the LionsGate BeFit Channel (Link autoplays video) – since pretty much every fitness video involves kneeling or kicking, I just modify the exercises to what I’m capable of and do it to the best of my ability. I have a set of 2-lb weights that I use to go through arm workouts, so I’ve been enjoying these modified exercises and feel like I’m getting the best workout possible without any unnecessary risk to my patella. As my knees get their flexibility back, I’ll be able to do more and more until I can do whatever workout I want without thinking about it.
As for the food portion of our diet, I restocked on a variety of PowerFuels and SmartCarbs this week and that was really helpful, since we had ended up skipping a lot of these. Jai put his daily menu guide (Included in every Nutrisystem order) on the fridge, because he realized he had an extra PowerFuel he was allowed each day that he had been missing. He finds the guide very helpful for reminding him what he gets to eat and getting him adjusted to this new eating pattern. I’ve been trying to get him to eat breakfast for years and years, so to see him eating so consistently through the day and actually getting hungry for breakfast makes me so happy. His eating habits have changed so much in 8 months, and this will go so far towards keeping him as healthy as he is now and avoiding conditions like diabetes that run in his family. This really has been a life-changing experience for us, and I hope gives some encouragement to anyone just starting out – as someone who felt bleak about my weight and health when I started, it’s been so encouraging to see what just 8 months can do!
As members of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Panel, Jai and I will be receiving the Nutrisystem program free of charge in order to share our honest opinions with you. Always consult with your physician before embarking on any weight loss or exercise program.
Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Take advantage of their online support forums & community and join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting Nutrisystem.com!
Good job! Keep up the good work!
Great idea to keep the meal plan on the fridge. And wow 33 lbs in 33 weeks! You must feel fabulous…
Keep it up!! You’re doing a great job!
I am so jealous of your weight loss!! You are doing so well!!
I think because you’ve been on the program so long and have been able to change, modify, adapt things to all kinds of circumstances that you guys are going to be successful in the long run with keeping the weight off! Bravo to both of you!
You guys are doing awesome. Keep up the good work and I look forward to see future updates.
Awesome, Beeb! I’m so proud of both of you! Winter is hard for me to exercise too so I think the gym membership is a great idea.
You guys are rockin it! Keep up the great work!
You guys are doing great! You both inspire me.
It is so awesome how you guys have transformed your lives! I am very imposed and excited to have read your progress these past few months! Way to go!!
Really hope he doesnt have a kidney stone. Hubby had one and it was terrible! Congrats on the great progress!
Oh my goodness – you two are doing so great! I can’t imagine how different everything is for you now!
I love following your progress. It’s so cool. I’m in your path and hoping to get to my target weight too!
Your are doing a fantastic job. Wow, your a doing it really fast. Keep it up.
i think i found the weight you lost…
I’m so jealous. COngratulations. I know it can’t be easy. Hubby purchased the Nutrisystem 1 week package so we can get an idea of what teh food was like and to our surprise (Which is not mentioned on the box)the menu plan on the inside gives a list of other food we’ll need to purchase. SO THE BOX Sits.
I can’t wait to see your last post when you hit your weight loss goal
On a brighter note I lost 7 lbs in the last 4 weeks just stopping the soda and drinking more water and eating healthier with reg portions. NO Seconds lol
awesome job!! Congrats! 🙂