We’re 15 weeks into Nutrisystem and feeling great!
Beeb’s Weigh-In:

Starting Weight: 164.5 lbs
Week 15 weight: 146 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 18.5 lbs
Goal Weight: 110 lbs
My measurements this week were 10.25″ on my upper arms, 39″ on the chest, 31.5″ on the waist, 39″ on the hips, and 20″ on the thighs. That’s 1″ down on the hips and 1″ up on the thighs, with the rest of the measurements remaining the same as last week.
Jai’s Weigh-In:

Starting Weight: 217.5 lbs
Week 15 Weight: 181.6 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 35.9 lbs
Goal Weight: 158 lbs
Jai’s measurements this week were 13.5″ on the arms, 39.4″ on the chest, 38.5″ on the waist, 38″ on the hips, and 22.5″ on the thighs. That’s .5″ up on the arms, .6″ down on the chest, and .5″ down on the waist, with the hips and thighs remaining the same as last week.
So I lost 1.2 pounds this week and Jai lost 1.6 pounds. I’m happy not only because this was a good weight loss week, but also because I was concerned that my weight loss was going to be very minimal. Last week was absolutely insane, so everything was thrown off for us from dealing with emergency after emergency. On Wednesday, the whole site went down due to our traffic/CPU usage slowing down our web host’s server, resulting in them shutting us down temporarily; then on Friday, we had to deal with the malware issue from the IZEA Media Ad Network. We got very little sleep – Jai was up all night dealing with the malware crisis and I spent half the week getting up at 3 AM (No joke) trying to keep up with everything. And this is just a brief overview of the emergencies that came up during the week, to say nothing of the regular workload, side projects that came up, dealing with the DMV, and so forth! Plus, I’m in the midst of preparing for my Holiday Gift Guide, so my living room is currently full of shipments relating to that which I haven’t gotten a chance to file away yet because of everything else, so it looks like Christmas exploded in my house!
With my schedule thrown so far off, I could definitely feel the effect on my diet. I still ate all my Nutrisystem entrees, but when breakfast time starts anywhere from 3 AM to 12 PM, you can imagine how “Off” I felt! Not that I slept till noon, mind you – but when the site blew on Wednesday I was so busy trying to fix it all morning that I didn’t get a second to eat until the afternoon! I also drank very little water last week since I was guzzling coffee just to keep going, and I ate very few vegetables. I did eat “Off-plan” in two ways, although they were very minimal and conscious deviations: I had a handful of Grandma’s popcorn (An approved extra) that was topped with some butter and salt (Not approved extras!) when we were on the run and starving, and I have also made a few cups of hot cocoa, using cocoa powder (15 calories a tablespoon) and low-calorie sweetener (5 calories a teaspoon). And of course I load my coffee with half & half, but I’ve been doing that all 15 weeks! 😉 Really, the whole point of Nutrisystem is to just be smart with your choices, and I think I did a good job of surviving this week!

Another thing that kept Jai busy this week was helping his dad with some construction projects. I wanted to share this picture I took of the lunch I packed him, to give you an idea of what a brown bag lunch looks like on this plan. You’ll see a Peanut Butter & Jelly lunch bar, as well as a Coconut Almond chocolate bar for dessert; a serving of dried cranberries which I served as a SmartCarb, carrot sticks and peanut butter (A PowerFuel, which Jai gets in the mid-morning and also with lunch), a bag with 3 cups of popcorn (An extra), and a bottle of ice water. I packed all of these items because they would be filling, yet easy to eat on the construction site.
So there you have it – if we’d had a week like this last year, I’d be typing from a pile of empty fast food wrappers 😉 – but having Nutrisystem entrees in our cupboard helps us not only stay on track, but continue to make progress amidst chaos – I love it! Here’s to a less stressful week 16!
As members of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Panel, Jai and I will be receiving the Nutrisystem program free of charge in order to share our honest opinions with you. Always consult with your physician before embarking on any weight loss or exercise program.

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Take advantage of their online support forums & community and join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting Nutrisystem.com!
you are so close to 20lbs! go girl! you guys are doing awesome!!!!!!
Yay! Sounds like a lot of stress with the blog last week. Congrats to both of your weight losses this week!
It’s so great that you’re packing those lunches so that there’s no chance hunger would take over and cause him to make a poor choice. Fairly substantial lunch there anyhow!
Very happy for both of you, and yay that you lost even during a crazy week!
Great job!!
You are doing so good! Packing lunches is the best way to go! I do it too when I am working out of the house. You still lost weight even in your crazy week so you are seriously doing awesome!
Great job, even with all the chaos.
you guys should be proud 🙂
Your snacks look yummy! You make it look easy to get healthy!
Do they give you lists of foods or suggest actual menus for each meal? It looks easy enough to implement!
You’re doing such an awesome job on Nutrisystem! I love seeing your progress each week, it’s giving me motivation to get in shape too!
Its always hard when your schedule gets thrown off but you guys are doing great! Congrats!
Congrats on the weight loss! I love Nutrisystem. 🙂
You guys are ROCKIN’ it!! Keep up the great work!
Thanks so much everybody!
Julie – They have a big list of foods and also recipes on their websites. The Nutrisystem entrees themselves are interchangeable, so for example you can have any Nutrisystem Breakfast item you like when you get up. The supplementary foods are broken down into “Powerfuels” in the morning (Protein, things like eggs, nonfat milk, tuna) and “SmartCarbs” (Things like fruit, wheat rolls, brown rice). You can also have a few “Extras” if you get hungry, such as popcorn. The list gives you everything under each category, so you can figure out what counts as a PowerFuel or SmartCarb, as well as serving size. They also have examples of specific brands/products, which I find helpful for looking up nutritional info to make comparisons while shopping. Everything is set up to be really easy and interchangeable!
I am so proud of you both!! I have enjoyed reading your journey thus far…you guys rock!
Great job on both your weight losses! I really need to buckle down and have been thinking about doing nutri system. Will keep reading your journey to see how it goes 🙂
That’s a lot of weight loss! Way to go!
That is awesome. I love the way you guys have stuck to the diet. Packing lunches is great because it saves money and calories.
Great job guys! Love keeping up with your progress on Nutrisystem.
Great job, looks like the plan is working well for you!
I’m glad you are still getting closer to you goal and I love that you drink your coffee with half and half!