One of the most exciting parts of wedding planning is ring shopping. Although you probably already have an engagement ring, you will most likely be shopping for a his and hers bridal set at some point. There’s a lot to consider during this process: What will match your engagement ring? What will fit your budget? Which ring best suits your personal style?

This is a photo that I snapped of my engagement ring a few days after we got engaged. (Side note: It can be challenging to take a photo of your own hand!) Since my ring has a distinctive look, I’m not sure what would go best with it as the wedding ring. But searching through ring styles is one of the best “Tasks” associated with getting married, am I right? 😉 I recently got a chance to peruse the website of Kranich’s Jewelers and thought it might give me some inspiration. Kranich’s is a well-known name in the jewelry business, founded in 1903. They have a wide selection of wedding sets, so I browsed through the site and daydreamed about what kind of wedding band I might end up with.

One of the sections of the website that I checked out was Ritani Engagement Rings. Ritani Bridal offers all manner of rings for your big day, and they have some simply lovely pieces. Most of their bridal rings are in white gold, which wouldn’t match my engagement ring. I’ve noticed this to be a common trend in bridal jewelry – at least in the places I’ve looked – so I may need to look a little harder to find the perfect ring, both for myself and for Jai. The picture above is the only men’s wedding band from Ritani that includes yellow gold. Still, I absolutely adore my engagement ring and I wouldn’t change it for anything else, even if it means it won’t be quite as easy to match. I love yellow gold, and it also matches my mom’s simple gold wedding band, which I’ve worn on my pinky finger every day since she passed away. Yes, you read that right, I wear her wedding ring on my pinky – she had very slender, small hands. In fact, when I got my engagement ring sized, the jeweler actually enlarged my mom’s ring while he was at it, so that it wouldn’t fit so tightly on my pinky!

While I was on the site, I did find a couple of Princess Cut Diamond Rings that could possibly work. This one is pretty – I’m not crazy about it being two-tone, but I think a ring with this kind of cut could work well with the shape of my engagement ring. What do you think, readers? What style ring would you pick for me?
I am obsessed with rings, I want one for every finger, but it’s hard for me to get a ring that fits right all of the time. It seems my fingers swell through out the day and go down, etc etc which makes it difficult for any ring to fit right all the time. These are some beautiful collections and I like your engagement ring too!
I love the princess cut rings!
my brother just got engaged 🙂 good timing 🙂
My engagement ring was misplaced years ago and I have never found it. Maybe I should check this out.
These are beautiful rings!I love the gold band. Thanks for the information.
I actually really like the first mens Ritani ring you should. My husband and I do not have matching rings…and lucky for me because he has lost his wedding band TWICE while surfing. Once in California and once in Hawaii. Hmmm those Pacific Ocean fish must be looking pretty stylish with my husbands rings on! HA!
I don’t know, I think you should not go for a two toned ring – stay with the gold that matches your ring.
Those rings are absolutely beautiful! When we got married we were dirt poor grad students so mine is just a plain gold band but I am emotionally attached to it 🙂 If we could do it again I would go with a 2 toned ring just because it would match better with silver accessories.
Gorgeous rings. I am partial to white gold, but those are beautiful.
I loved shopping for rings. My hubby proposed without a ring, so I got to pick out a few I liked and he surprised me with the final choice. Of course nothing is simple and the one he chose got held up in customs for weeks!
We’ve been married for almost 12 years and I still remember how excited I was when we were ring shopping. These rings are so pretty.
Congrats on the engagement!! 🙂 I love Kranich’s jewelry. It’s so dainty and perfect. Have fun ring shopping! 😀
Tungsten all the way!! It’s durable, cheap and even guys will be happy with it. Check out tungstenworld.com. That’s where we got ours…