Welcome to Top Ten With…, a fun new Q&A session where you’ll get to learn all about the music scene’s hottest artists! Today’s featured musician is a busy man indeed. Backstreet Boys member Howie D just wrapped up a tour with NKOTBSB, and is preparing to release his solo album, Back to Me, on November 15th. The singer/songwriter will then join Britney Spears on her Femme Fatale tour for several dates starting November 20th, before heading out on the second annual Backstreet Boys Cruise this December. Howie will then hit the road with NKOTBSB once again for the European leg of their tour in spring 2012. Phew! Howie D recently took time out to chat with us about his projects, future plans, and what inspires him – get the scoop through our exclusive interview!
Top Ten With Howie D
I’m inspired by:
Creativity. I really enjoy working with people who try to push the envelope. As well, I love working with new artists and coming up with ideas that are outside of the box.
I realized I wanted to play music when:
At the age of 6, when I performed in my very first musical The Wizard of Oz. I loved singing in front of an audience and was bitten by the bug and wanted to make this my career.
Four songs you might find on my iPod:
By Your Side – Sade
Fix You – Coldplay
Let Me Love You – Mario
This Woman’s Work – Maxwell
One word I would use to describe myself:
The best part of being a musician is:
Traveling all around the world and being able to perform in front of lots of people.
Right now, I’m most excited about:
My album coming out soon. I feel I have worked very hard at putting it together and so happy that it is finally ready for the world to hear.
Something most people don’t know about me is:
I am a perfectionist and because of that I really over think things sometimes and have a hard time making decisions.
One of my happiest moments was:
When my wife gave birth to my son James, as he has made me want to be the best person I can be.
My music is:
Everything to me. It’s what wakes me up in the morning with an idea for a song and what’s streaming through my head as I fall asleep at night.
In ten years, I see myself:
Continuing to grow and learn more as an artist and human being, striving to be the best that I can be.
Traducción Española!
Radio-BSB posted a Spanish translation of this interview – click here to read it!
Back to Me drops on November 15th – be sure to visit HowieD.com to pre-order the album now and access tour dates. You can also keep up with the latest news by following Howie D on Facebook and Twitter.
Very cool. This is the first I’ve heard of Howie D, love the soft tone to his voice!
I cannot believe Cat hasn’t heard of the Backstreet Boys!! OMG you got to interview Howie!! I could scream like a tween! eeeee!!!
It’s embarrassing that I am not kidding
I had no idea he went solo! He was always one of my favorites. Him and B-Rock (err Brian Littrel). And Brian went solo as a Christian artist, which is so awesome!
This video was strange to me though. Howie is a great dancer, he should have danced more in it. And what was up with his shirt being half untucked in the first half of the vid? oh well LOL I’m still a fan!
I have to admit I really like that song. Also what a great interview … though I have to say Aj is my fav Backstreet <3
Great interview! Oh the backstreet boys, how I remember! Nice to know he has a new cd coming out
Sounds like a great guy. I like the song!
Awesome interview!!! I’m now reminiscing over the old Backstreet Boy days. I’m excited th hear the rest of his new cd.
What an exciting interview! I’m old enough that NKOTB was my boy band of choice, but I would totally go see NKOTBSB in concert.
Great interview… I still remember when those guys broke out on the music scene. I was in high school!
Love the interview, he is cute, had no clue who he was til I read the interview though 😉
I had no idea Howie was about to release his own album! Will definitely check it out. Growing up, BSB was my FAVORITE band…I was such a teenage groupie HAHA. I still love to listen to them.
Great interview! I personally like his solo stuff better! 🙂
That’s really cool. I like the fact he has Coldplay in his ipod 😉
Great interview. I like his new song – I know my boys would love it too. They are into that type of music lately!
Cool intereview.. love the new song!
WOW Just WOW… AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa love it and thanks for allow us mom bloggers to ooh and Ahhh over you.
LOVE THE SONG but I could of done with out the HOOCH in the video good women don’t do that or lets just say only behind closed doors.
that’s really cool, I was never into boy bands back in the day but Jordan Knight just came to BlissdomCanada and gave us all his new cd and I actually like it, so I would totally give another former boy band a chance
Wow, what an amazing post! I haven’t seen that face in years and it’s so wonderful to hear what he’s up to! He sounds like a very positive guy!
OOOHH!!! I had such a crush on him. 🙂 He does seem really sweet and sincere. I’m so jealous you had the chance to interview him. Lucky!