Down-to-Earth Mama is hosting a wonderful contest on her site, and she asked entrants to write a post about how we make the world a better place – or plan to. Honestly, I feel embarrassed talking about things I do to help others, because it feels like I’m bragging. However, the aim of her giveaway is to inspire giving, so instead of talking about myself, I’d like to share some things we can all do to make the world a cheerier place.
Make A Child Smile is a wonderful website, where you can find out how to send cards to sick children.
The Hunger Site donates food with just one click.
Like games? Free Rice is the only game that feeds others as you play it.
Kiva is an amazing website where you can connect with small business owners all over the world, and provide them with small loans to change their lives. And I do mean small – $25 can make a huge difference. Even better, when the loan is repaid, you can reinvest it and help another business.
These are just a few simple, yet powerful things that anyone can do to make the world a better place – one person at a time.
Thanks. Talking about how we serve does sometimes seem like we brag. But it becomes us, a part of us, and to not talk about it would be like not talking about our lives. It inspires others to action, especially when we give specifics about how they can help. People get overwhelmed at the prospect of giving. You have made it easy and less threatening/stressful for them here.
Corina,>>Thank you for writing! You make some excellent points. I agree that it’s a part of your life, and I think that it’s important to remember the small things consistently, as well as just “the big stuff” every so often (volunteering, charitable contributions, etc). I think people feel hampered because they “can’t do enough”, but little things mean so much, even if you don’t have a lot to give.