Fundraiser For Ember: Help With Expenses During Cancer Treatment

Fundraiser For Ember: Help With Expenses During Cancer Treatment

I just found out that my dear friend, Ember, has been diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer. She’s already undergone surgery and will be starting radiation and chemo to delay further spread, but this type of cancer is incurable. I met Ember when I was 17, and we’ve known each other for almost a quarter of a century now. She was a bridesmaid at my wedding, and her daughter was a flower girl; this photo was taken right after Ember caught my wedding bouquet! I’m devastated, as is everyone who knows her, and in complete shock.

As you can imagine, this is a massive financial burden. Those that love Ember want her to be able to focus on what matters instead of worrying about money, so they’ve started a GoFundMe, linked here. If you could contribute even $1, Ember, her family and I would all be so deeply grateful. If you don’t have the means to do that, I completely understand; you could still help a TON by sharing this post or the fundraiser link on social media – there are Shareaholic sharing buttons directly below this post, so you can share this easily with just a couple of clicks! I want this fundraiser to get as much attention as possible so we can lighten this financial load for Ember, and anything that you’re able to do would be so appreciated. Thank you!!

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