Check out my new favorite Christmas ornament: A Maroon 5 bauble! Yes, they exist – and of course I would have one! It’s no secret that I’m obsessed with a big Maroon 5 fan, so when I found out that they had their own special Christmas ornament, I had to get one! Jai bought it for me as a Christmas present and now it is proudly hanging off my tree.
If you are also a Maroon 5 fanatic, you can snag one of these ornaments for yourself by visiting Maroon 5’s official store here. (And no, Maroon 5 did not sponsor this post, although my services are available if they would like to hire me. ;))
Very festive! Who would have thought they made such a thing!
Love it, now if Adam was on my tree, even better! <3
Couldn’t agree with you more, Jen! 😉
Maybe the right person will see this and send some concert tix your way!
LOL. I saw this ornament a few days ago while looking at Maroon 5’s website. I will say that I have become obsessed with their music since Melinda and I went to their concert in November in Galveston, TX. I listen to their CD’s all day at work. HAHA
LOL That is great. I have a few ornaments some crazy some sentimental that I just adore
That is so funny. I’m just glad my kids have never discovered ornaments for their favorite bands. I can only imagine who would be on the tree.