When it comes to holiday gifts, I have a real soft spot for handmade items. Not only do I love to support up-and-coming artisans, but the kind of creative, unique items that can be found from small vendors also make a great solution for those who are hard to buy for. So when I had the opportunity to pick out a few complimentary items from Craftshowcase.net, I thought this would be a great way to cross some hard-to-buy-for people off my list!
Craftshowcase is an online marketplace that offers a wide variety of handcrafted items from small businesses. I had a lot of fun browsing through their items and it was honestly tough deciding what I might review! As I browsed, I stumbled across these computer mouse covers, and I immediately thought of my dad. He has a real appreciation for one-of-a-kind items, so I knew this would be perfect for him! The concept is that these fabric mice are designed to cover your computer mouse when not in use. If you have a corded mouse, it will look like a “Tail” coming out of the mouse. Is this cute or what? I had to have it!

Here is my very own mouse! I just think this is so charming. The mouse is just adorable and I love the fun, quirky concept. It’s just so cute and sweet! I love the work and care that has gone into creating this little mouse. My dad will love it and I guarantee you no one else will have bought him one! Plus, it’s light and easy to mail, which is a definite consideration for me since my dad lives in England and it’s so expensive to mail stuff. Handmade products make excellent gifts and I highly recommend checking out Craftshowcase! I could seriously find something for every person on my list on this marketplace. I have another gift idea coming up from them towards the end of the month so stay tuned for my next review!
These computer mouse covers are sold on Craftshowcase.net and retail for $4.61 – click here to buy one today!
Those are way too cute..
Those are adorable!
Those are really, really cute! I really like the blue paisley one you have in the back. My mom would have flipped for the woof! pet blanket on their site, too. She loved stuff like that.
Those are so cute, Beeb! They can really add a personal touch to the computer too.
Awwwww, I see why you fell in love with them to begin with. And I do like the one you have yourself!
Oh how cute! I’m sure they’ll be big for the holidays. 🙂
I like your the best!
oh my so fun! Who thinks up this stuff! I think they are super cute!
That is adorable! Looks like my daughters zhuzhu pets!
So cute!
Those are the cutest. lol, I have to have one!
lol, too cute!