Kenny G – Heart and Soul Album Winner
And the winner of the Kenny G Heart and Soul Album giveaway is... Comment number 43, Jill, who said: "I subscribe to your blog updates". Congratulations!
And the winner of the Kenny G Heart and Soul Album giveaway is... Comment number 43, Jill, who said: "I subscribe to your blog updates". Congratulations!
And the winner of the Colgate Care Pack is... Comment number 238, Donna Kozar, who said: "follower". Congratulations! This is Donna's second Contest Corner win - she was also a winner in my Break Pal giveaway back in April 2009!
And the winner of the Organic Whole Golden Flaxseed Giveaway is... Comment number 65, Carolsue, who said: "I follow you publicly on Google Friends Connect (Carolsue)" Congratulations! I've been stirring this flaxseed into every other meal since I first reviewed it - cereals, scrambled eggs, salads, the list goes on.…
Unfortunately, I never heard back from winner #3 in the Conserve Cleaners giveaway, so I am forced to re-draw. And the new winner is... Comment number 119, Charlene Kuser, who said: "I learned they are working with Georgia Institutue of Technology to find ways to measure the emissions produced at…
And the winner of the Sergio Mendes Bom Tempo CD Giveaway is... Comment number 11, Viva, who said: "I never heard of Sergio Mendes, but listed on amazon and liked the music. Thanks!" Congratulations!
And the winners of the Conserve Cleaners giveaway are: Winner #1 is comment number 35, Yona Williams, who said: "I learned that they are eco-friendly because the tabs make you reuse a bottle you already have….and the bathroom cleaner smells like freshly squeezed lemons." This is Yona's second Contest Corner…
And the winner of the Orianthi Believe (II) CD giveaway is... Comment number 17, Sarah, who said: "I would love to win the CD to hear more of her music." Congratulations! You can catch Orianthi on tour with Adam Lambert this summer - see below for a full list of…
And the winner of the tub of Organic Shredded Coconut is... Comment number 35, Monika, who said: "I subscribed". Congratulations!
We have two winners to announce in our Avon giveaway! First up, we have the winner of the "Most-Loved Lips Kit" by Mark: The winner is comment number 74, Laura Benjamin, who said: "I subscribe via google" Next, we have the winner of the Empowerment Bracelet in size Large (7…
Unfortunately, I never heard back from winner #1 in the Mederma Stretch Marks Therapy giveaway, so I must re-draw another winner. The new winner is... Comment number 14, Chrystal, who said: "I learned that it diminishes discoloration on your skin." Congratulations!