Do you buy your vehicles new, or used? I’ve always lived a very alternatively frugal lifestyle – my parents never owned a car when I was a child, opting to walk everywhere instead, so I actually only learned to drive as an adult once I was living on my own. Because of my different background, I have never visited a car dealership to purchase an automobile – both Jai and I have purchased all our cars used, paying in cash and buying directly from an individual seller. I own a 1960 Mercury Comet while Jai owns a 2002 Pontiac Grand Am, so we’ve done the spectrum of used cars from modern to vintage! It’s a way of life that is radical to many, and I certainly don’t expect everyone else to do the same – different options work for different families and situations. For Jai and I personally, our “Cash-only” approach to vehicle ownership has worked out wonderfully.
Before making a purchase, we carefully research our options to determine safety and durability; and once we have chosen a vehicle, we keep track of any and all expenses associated with maintenance or repairs over the years. I know many people imagine used cars to be a money pit with repair after repair, but that most certainly doesn’t have to be the case. Factoring in all repairs we’ve made to our cars as well as any other expenses, we have still saved a huge amount of money versus what we would have spent in car payments and high insurance premiums for a new vehicle. Owning a used car isn’t for everyone, but it’s been a great thing for us, so I don’t think we’ll be visiting a Jeep dealership for a new car anytime soon – as awesome and fun as a new Jeep would be! 🙂
I think it depends on what you want to drive. There are some older cars like the classics that people want to buy that you can’t buy new. I have always wanted to buy one of those 1950 something Chevy Bel-Airs to go cruising in.
We’re “new” car people, but we drive our cars to the ground so feel it’s worth the money we spend on them buying them new. My vehicle is 13 years old and I hope to get another few years out of it at least. We’ve never had a car for less then 7 years, and that one was written off in an accident and we actually got more for it than it was worth at that point!
That being said, my sister exclusively buys used vehicles and has for the most part had very good luck with the ones she has bought. I’ve contemplated buying used, but because we own our cars for so long, the sticker price on a new one doesn’t seem so bad over all the years we drive them.
We have one used and one new…I drive the new one because I like all the fancy bells and whistles! HA! However, if I had enough cash I would certainly buy a 1969 candy red camaro!I love your car…it totally suits you!
I don’t buy new unless I absolutely have to. Buy 2 to 3 years old and still get a great car for much less money!