Product samples were provided. This post is a part of our “Where to Buy COVID-19 Supplies Online” series. Products linked in this post are available as of the publication date of this post; please double-check to ensure stock before purchasing.
Here’s an interesting new mask accessory to check out:

An ingenious new product created by HeartFormSF promises to radically improve the comfort level of mask-wearers globally in the era of COVID-19. These innovative, lightweight, heart-shaped shields – called HeartForm — fit easily between wearers’ faces and their protective masks, allowing them to “Breathe Easier,†as the company’s motto puts it. By holding the fabric just a few millimeters away from the nose and mouth, HeartForm facilitates breathing, keeps the wet face mask material away from the face, the face cooler, and makes it easier to talk. The unique dome shaped shield also helps prevent “mask acne†and protect users from allergic or other negative skin reactions. Additionally, it keeps lip protection such as chap stick, lip gloss and lipstick from being deposited on your mask, preventing smearing and other cosmetic issues. Consumers may order the product online at