As I recover from my knee injury, it’s important that I have easy-to-prepare foods on hand, since I can’t be on my feet very much. So when Bagel Bites invited me to taste test their products, it was great timing! I haven’t eaten Bagel Bites since I was a kid, so I was looking forward to trying them again. Bagel Bites sent me enough coupons for ten free boxes, so I sent Jai to the store to pick them up along with a few other items that we needed. His coupon training has really paid off!

Jai picked up two varieties: Three Cheese and Cheese & Pepperoni. Cooking Bagel Bites is easy: They come pre-packaged in a special cardboard tray, so all you have to do is open the box, remove the plastic, and stick them in the microwave. We cooked them for about 3 minutes (This time will vary depending on your microwave), let them stand for one minute, and then served.

These were super tasty! Both Jai and I thought the Three Cheese was the best – I was surprised that these mini bagels retained a nice firm texture even though they were microwaved and not toasted. These are yummy and quite filling. If you’re wondering about the calories in Bagel Bites, both varieties are 190 calories per serving, which is 4 pieces. Each serving also has 8g of whole grain, which also pleasantly surprised me.
Would you like to access a Bagel Bites coupon and support the Boys & Girls Club of America at the same time? This summer, Bagel Bites is asking parents to take part in their “Snack Simply” pledge. Every parent who visits SnackSimplyPledge.com and pledges to make simple, wholesome choices for their kids at snack time will be able to access a Bagel Bites printable coupon for $1.00 off. And for each pledge received, Bagel Bites will donate $1.00 to the Boys & Girls Club of America to help support childhood health and wellness initiatives, up to $50,000!
We love Bagel Bites! Definitely great for a snack and better than junk food.
Thank you so much! My husband absolutely LOVES Bagel Bites!
Oh oh oh…these are my FAVORITE!!! I could eat a whole box by myself. Really great movie snack too. 🙂
Ooh, they look tasty!
We love Bagel Bites!
did you save any for me???? 🙂
They look tasty! And it’s good to know they weren’t soggy when they came out of the microwave.
We love Bagel Bites! They are so good, thanks for the coupon