I recently posted a giveaway for the BabyTone Workout, a set of 2 DVDs from fitness trainer Dustin Maher. A few days after I posted the giveaway, I received a promo copy in the mail to check out for myself. In case you missed the first post about the BabyTone Workout, here is an overview of the product from Maher’s website:
“Babytone DVDs are for those moms who have babies from 2 months to about 20 months. There are 8 short 10 minute workouts that you can do with your baby. These workouts solve the problem of not having enough time, and also not wanting to leave your baby alone while you workout. These workouts will bring a smile to your face and will provide extra bonding with your baby. There are 2 DVDs as well as an interview with Alecia who is the star of the DVD. She will share her secrets to how she was able to get back into shape so quickly after having her baby. I will also coach you through different stroller exercises and workouts.”
Maher is nicknamed “America’s Trainer To Moms” for his specialty of designing these unique workouts for busy mothers. I think the idea of incorporating your baby into your fitness routine so that it becomes a combination workout/playtime is a good one; obviously, I don’t have a baby and my knees are shot at the moment, so I figured there would be no way for me to really put these exercises to the test. However, I did pick up an ab exercise that I can do while I recover: In the “Tummy Exercises” section, Maher demonstrates a modified vacuum that can be done while standing still or even sitting at your desk. I’ve done a version of the vacuum before, per the recommendation of my own personal trainer; you essentially blow out all the air in your lungs and suck in your abs for 5-10 seconds. I tried this while sitting right here writing this post, and I did feel the tension in my abs – he recommends doing this throughout the day whenever you think of it, so I think I’ll give this a try! I’ve been frustrated that my fitness is so stagnated because of my knee injury (Which ironically occurred on a stair machine!), so it’s really cool to see something that I can feasibly do right now. The DVD is really cute, with quick workouts of 15 minutes or less that are easy to understand. All of the exercises are quick sets that can be performed with your baby, from abs to cardio and even a few stroller exercises! There is also an interview with Alecia, the video’s fitness model mom who was running up steep hills at 8 months pregnant and leaving most other fit, non-pregnant people in her dust – wow!
And now that you know all about the BabyTone Workout, it’s time to announce the lucky winner of our giveaway!
And the winner is comment number 31, Daiva, who said: “I’ve learned that breakfast should include a pretty good balance of fat, carbs, and protein so that blood sugars don’t shoot up too high, and to keep me full for awhile.”
Congratulations! Learn more about this and other fitness DVDs at DustinMaherFitness.com.
My boy was a chunk…30 pounds at a year old! I would have gotten an AWESOME workout with this!
What a great idea! I am pregnant with #4 right now and it always seems like I don’t get to workin’ out until the baby is around 18 months old. This would be a great way to incorporate the newb into a great fitness routine! 🙂
well…my baby is 4, so it would be REALLY quite a workout! haha
That’s such a cool idea! I’ll have to remember it once I get pregnant again.
I am totally going to have to try that ab exercise! Not because I have a bouncing little baby around, but because I am stuck behind my computer for 10 or more hours a day!
Congrats to the winner!