Yesterday, I shared my Atchara Chili recipe with you. If you missed it, click here – it’s simple, tasty, vegan, and inexpensive. And you know what would make this dish even more frugal? Winning one of the ingredients! 🙂
Giveaway Time!

One lucky Contest Corner reader will win a 16 oz jar of atchara (Organic fermented papaya)! Here’s how to enter:
1. For your first entry, click here to subscribe to the Tropical Traditions Sales Newsletter. Then come back here and leave a comment on this post with the email address you used to subscribe! This step is required to qualify for the drawing.
Want extra entries? Do any of the following, and leave a separate comment on this post for each one:
2. Write a post on your blog linking to this giveaway. Then come back here and leave a comment with the link!
3. Click here to visit Tropical Traditions’ Free Coconut Recipe website. Then come back here and leave a comment mentioning your favorite recipe!
4. Write about this on Twitter, then come back here and leave a comment with the link to your tweet! One Twitter entry per person. You can use the button at the bottom of this page to tweet with one click!
5. Click here to follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter. Then come back here and leave a comment with your Twitter username!
6. Subscribe to my blog updates by clicking here. Then come back and leave a comment with the the email you subscribed with!
7. Post Contest Corner’s button on your website – just copy and paste the following code, and let me know where you put it:
followed Tropical Traditions on Twitter.
My favorite recipe is the Gluten Free Chicken Curry Recipe
I am a subscriber.
subscribe to their newsletter
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I subscribe to tt newsletter.
I’d like to try their vanilla macaroon recipe.
I subscribe to their newsletter with This email
I’d like to try the coconut pie crust recipe since I love to bake pies.
I subscribe to their newsletter.
I’ve been looking for more kale recipes, so Kale and Okra Soup sounds yummy
I follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter – Earth_Creature
I am a subscriber.
galyettina at yahoo dot com
followed Tropical Traditions on Twitter (@galyettina)
Kale and Okra Soup (Callaloo) looks good
I am already a subscriber of their’s.
trixie420247 at yahoo dot com
email subscriber
i folllow tt on twitter @trixie420247
i would like to try the curried carrot soup recipe.
I already get trop trad newsletter.
wildflowermother@yahoo.com is the email I used.
I’m drooling over the Simple Chocolate Coconut Squares.
I follow on twitter kwolek21
And i Follow your blog as wildflowermother@yahoo.com
I subscribe to the Tropical Traditions newsletter. Thanks for the giveaway.
President dot peaches at hotmail dot com
My favorit recipe is Slavka’s festive sweet potatoes.
I subscribed with email lablogs@yahoo.com… Thank you for the giveaway!
I subscribed under email address savingwithaplan@gmail.com
I subscribe to tropical traditions newsletter
Subscribe to Tropical Traditions newsletter. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
I like the Coconut Cashew Dip. Yum! kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter. @kdonelson kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Subscribe with email. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
Tweeted: https://twitter.com/#!/kdonelson/status/176890131024838656
kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.
I follow TT on twitter as Harzich
I tweeted
I subscribed to the Tropical Traditions Sales Newsletter with the email garrettsambo@aol.com
I love the Coconut Cashew Dip recipe.
i’m subscribe ty.
coconut cashew dip ty.