Site Name: ! With Or Without Shoes
Site URL: http://www.withorwithoutshoes.com/2013/05/worldwide-giveaway-joaquim-ferrer-shoes.html
Prize Description: WIN a pair of Luxury Leather Shoes by JOAQUIM FERRER
Winner will choose among 6 different models.
To take a chance, you must be a fan of Joaquim Ferrer’s Facebook page and follow my blog www.withorwithoutshoes.com on bloglovin
End date: June 11th
All details and information: http://www.withorwithoutshoes.com/2013/05/worldwide-giveaway-joaquim-ferrer-shoes.html
Entry deadline: June 11, 2013
Open to: Worldwide
Enter this giveaway here: http://www.withorwithoutshoes.com/2013/05/worldwide-giveaway-joaquim-ferrer-shoes.html