Do you know an aspiring writer who wants to pen “The great American novel” but is unsure where to start? This holiday season, consider giving the gift of inspiration in Write Publish & Market Your Book by Patrika Vaughn. And THREE lucky Contest Corner readers will each win a copy of this e-book, so read on!
I’ve been a journalist since 1997, and it’s been amazing to me to watch the industry change so rapidly with the advent of new technologies. I learned to type on a manual typewriter – I still tap my keyboard harder than I need to as a reflex from slamming my fingers down on those heavy keys! – and my first paid gig was writing columns for a newspaper. These days, my career utilizes mediums that didn’t even exist when I first got my start – there were no blogs or Twitter back then! It’s been exciting to watch the industry evolve and see a world of opportunities open up for authors around the world to get their voice heard in a way that simply was not possible a short time ago. Patrika Vaughn agrees, and hopes that her book Write Publish & Market Your Book can help more aspiring writers achieve their goal and get their work noticed.
I received a complimentary copy of this book to peruse, and I enjoyed reading it. Vaughn provides solid tips for getting started, crafting your story, creating a productive workspace, and more, in a helpful and encouraging manner. Write Publish & Market Your Book is full of good tips for those who wish to get a start but feel intimidated, and I also appreciated the sound advice provided to help green authors avoid pitfalls such as vanity publishing. In the chapter “Approaching The Markets”, I appreciate the author’s pragmatism and realism regarding the market. Getting a big publishing deal usually remains nothing but a dream for most authors; however, the Internet has revolutionized the industry – and like it or not, print is dying out, so a writer’s success can take many different forms these days. This book discusses the benefits of self-publishing, but since it was originally published in 1997, it doesn’t cover all of the options now available for electronic self-publishing via sites such as LuLu.com. I have seen both authors and musicians spend a fortune on producing books or CDs that they end up unable to sell, so I would personally advise that any new author carefully dip a toe in the water with on-demand publishing or ebook marketing (as this author has done) before investing a large sum of money on physical copies. Also, some authors are abandoning books altogether and marketing their writing on new platforms like blogs, so there are a lot of fascinating options available to writers now that didn’t exist a few years ago.
Because the industry has changed so rapidly, some of the information in this book regarding specific markets and places to pitch your manuscript is no longer as relevant as it was at the time of publication. However, good writing never goes out of style, and I think this is a good resource for the novice who wants to begin writing but doesn’t know where to start. Click here to visit Acappela.com to read the first chapter of Write Publish & Market Your Book for free.
Write Publish & Market Your Book by Patrika Vaughn is available on Acappela.com. The e-Book edition retails for $4.99 while paperback copies are available for $19.95; be sure to check out their “Gifts” section for special gift-wrapped sets just in time for the holidays!
About The Author:
Spanning a 25 year career, Patrika Vaughn has served as a professional writer, editor, ghostwriter and publisher. Her works have appeared in more than 100 national publications and she is listed in The International Writers and Authors Who’s Who, Outstanding People of the 21st Century and has been awarded The Order of Excellence in Who’s Who in the 21st Century. She teaches writing on both the university and community levels and holds writing seminars for corporate and community clients from Florida to Finland. Now incorporating her many skills, she has become the world’s foremost Author’s Advocate. Online classes and publications available through www.acappela.com including: Everything You Need to Know to WRITE, PUBLISH & MARKET YOUR BOOK, THE WRITER’S TOOL BOX, and HOW TO WRITE YOUR OWN LIFE STORY.
Giveaway Time!
THREE lucky Contest Corner readers will each win the Write Publish & Market Your Book e-Book by Patrika Vaughn! The winners will receive this e-Book in PDF format sent via e-mail. Here’s how to enter:
1. For your first entry, click here to visit Acappela.com, then come back here and leave a comment on this post telling me something that you learned. This step is required to qualify for the drawing.
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2. Write a post on your blog linking to this giveaway and Acappela.com. Then come back here and leave me the link!
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