Trop50 True Resolutions wants to encourage you with your New Year’s resolutions all month long. To help you take care of yourself, they are also giving one lucky Contest Corner reader a $50 SpaWeek Gift Card, so keep reading for your chance to win!
Last week, I introduced you to Trop50 True Resolutions and shared one of my goals for 2012 with you. So how are your New Year’s resolutions coming? I’ve been doing my best with my goal to reduce my stress levels. I had great plans last week of not working “Overtime”, since the last few months I’ve been working 12-13 hour days without many days off and it’s making me feel pretty frazzled and exhausted. But the last week ended up being pretty chaotic, so that went out the window! 😉 But, I think I’ll have more breathing room next week and plan on implementing a less crazy schedule…wish me luck!
Don’t forget to share your goals at Trop50 True Resolutions to receive a $1 off coupon. And don’t miss this tongue-in-cheek commercial for Trop50 that actress Jane Krakowski shot about New Year goals! 😉
Giveaway Time!

One lucky Contest Corner reader will win a $50 Spa and Wellness e-Gift Card from SpaWeek! These gift cards are valid at over 4,500 spas across North America and can be redeemed for local spa services in your area. Click here to visit SpaWeek for more details and to locate a participating spa near you. Here’s how to enter:
1. For your first entry, just leave a comment on this post and tell me: How is your New Year’s resolution going? This step is required to qualify for the drawing.
Want extra entries? Do any of the following, and leave a separate comment for each one:
2. Write a post on your blog linking to this giveaway and Trop50 True Resolutions. Then come back here and leave me the link!
3. Write about this on Twitter, then come back and leave me the link to your tweet! One Twitter entry per person. You can use the button at the bottom of this post to tweet with one click!
4. Subscribe to my blog updates by clicking here. Then come back and leave me the email you subscribed with!
5. Post my button on your website – just copy and paste the following code, and let me know where you put it:
My resolution is to learn to speak spanish this year and I haven’t started yet.
blogged about giveaway
email subscriber
grabbed button
My resolution is going great!
Great. I’ve been able to workout 5 days a week!
New Years Resolution is going ok
my resolution was to have more patience. so far, not bad. i’ve even been slacking on my anxiety meds and still not biting everyone’s heads off! lol
tweeted – ohradishes44
email sub – e.ringwald at yahoo
its going great! (since i don’t do that!)
My resolution is going pretty well so far
My resolution is going well! Mine is to try new things and so far I have really stepped out of my comfort zone!
My New Year’s Resolution is going well albeit slowly.
I don’t make resolutions.
I’m an email subscriber.
I haven;t been able to pay down my debt yet.
i don’t have a new years resolution this year
My New Year’s Resolution is to get back in shape and I am slowly starting to workout again
Tweeted this:https://twitter.com/#!/Swtlilchick/status/162414040163946496
I am a subscriber to your blog updates (CharlieGurl57@aol.com)
My resolution was to eat healthier and I’m not doing so well yet. I haven’t given up so I’m still working on it.
I’m an email subscriber.
Thanks for the giveaway…stopped drinking all carbonated soft drinks; I’ve kicked the soda habit !
senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Tweet: https://twitter.com/#!/brianpiero/status/162427363248975872
… already subscribed to the mailing list of Contest Corner: senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com
Not too well. I am trying to lose weight.
I am a subscriber.