Time flies when you’re having fun! It’s week 11 on Nutrisystem!
Beeb’s Weigh-In:

Starting Weight: 164.5 lbs
Week 11 weight: 151 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 13.5 lbs
Goal Weight: 110 lbs
My measurements this week were 10 1/2 inches on the arms, 39 1/2 inches on the chest, 32 1/4 inches on the waist, 40 inches on the hips, and 19 1/2 inches on the thighs. That’s a quarter inch down on the waist and half an inch up on the thighs, with the rest of the measurements remaining the same as last week.
Jai’s Weigh-In:

Starting Weight: 217.5 lbs
Week 11 Weight: 189.6 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 27.9 lbs
Goal Weight: 158 lbs
Jai’s measurements for this week were 13 inches on the arms, 40 inches on the chest, 40 inches on the waist, 39 inches on the hips, and 23 inches on the thighs. That’s 1/2 inch down on the chest, with the rest of the measurements remaining the same as last week. I didn’t realize this, but last week Jai decided to start measuring in a slightly different spot, which is why there was such a discrepancy last week. 😉 He decided that if he moved where he put the tape on each spot slightly, it would give him a more accurate reading in terms of measuring the loss.
So that’s 2 pounds down for me and 1 pound down for Jai! Last week was a whirlwind of activity for us, between attending Jai’s family reunion and hosting my Bag-It-Forward party the next day! The family reunion is an annual potluck event, so that was an interesting experience for both of us. We considered just bringing along our own Nutrisystem food, but decided we would just eat in moderation from the potluck buffet, following our program’s guidelines. This is only the second time that we’ve eaten a full meal “Off-program” during our time on Nutrisystem, so I thought it would be a good exercise.
I feel like I did well – I filled up my plate with mostly vegetables and tried to aim for leaner/lower-fat options that were available. And I did still enjoy myself – I ate a very small piece of fried chicken and had a brownie and half a piece of cheesecake along with a beer. I also ended up drinking one “Full-calorie” soda at the end because it was so hot and I don’t believe there was any water or diet soda left, and I had to take something to drink on the ride home because I was so thirsty!
Jai gained a lot of insights after his experience eating off the program during the reunion, and wanted to share a paragraph he wrote about it:
“We just passed the week 11 mark on Nutrisystem and I have been following the plan, essentially, to the letter. The results have been amazing so far. In 11 weeks I have lost 27.9 lbs. and it’s still dropping off very consistently. Saturday before last my family had our annual family reunion and I knew that I’d be surrounded by food. I have not had a problem being around food, since I really like Nutrisystem’s food and I don’t go around feeling hungry, but I thought I’d try to make an exception this one day during the potluck. For lunch I ended up eating 4 pieces of chicken, 2 slices of cheesecake, and 4 soft drinks. Pre-Nutrisystem that would have been just an appetizer for me but by the time I got through all that I was *stuffed*!
I had actually been wanting to try this just once while on the plan as an experiment to see if I would notice a difference. I did! Before this, I have been consistently losing weight almost every day. This time it took until Thursday for me to get below what I weighed that Saturday morning. I’m glad I did this one time just for science but I won’t be trying it again. It appears that one major meal transgressions sets me back about 4 days. I only lost 1.0 pounds that week which is my smallest weekly loss so far.”
Another thing that we both noticed at the reunion were compliments from several people on our weight loss and how we looked. Obviously our family is biased because they love us, but it’s still nice to hear! 🙂 I can absolutely see a difference in Jai and I’m starting to see a difference in myself too. I feel like I look a little less “Puffy” and look slightly better in my clothing; I can also see that some of my pants fit a little better than before.
I was actually really thrilled with my 2-pound weight loss this week, despite eating one meal off-program and having a hectic week! I definitely saw a knock-on effect with traveling to Milwaukie for the reunion and having a party the very next day, as it took a few days for me to get back into my normal routine – the family reunion was the only day that I ate non-Nutrisystem food, but for several days after I wasn’t too hungry and was also rushed, so I skipped some of my normal program foods. I’ve also been eating flavored yogurt instead of plain for my PowerFuel because I got a box of samples to review and it was honestly very convenient during the hectic week!
But none of this had a negative effect and indeed, this was one of my best weeks for weight loss. I think something that helped me was the amount of pure walking and moving I did last week. My knees have been feeling really strong, and I was on my feet constantly during the family reunion and for most of the next day. I took a couple of days off from my physiotherapy walks to let myself recover, because I was very sore afterwards, but after getting some rest I resumed my walks. It’s neat to see how Nutrisystem has stuck by me this whole time – when I have a “Good” knee week, it augments my progress, and when I’m having a “Bad” knee week and can’t move around much, I still lose weight. No matter what happens, I feel like I can depend on Nutrisystem to help my life stay on track despite sometimes massive obstacles.
As members of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Panel, Jai and I will be receiving the Nutrisystem program free of charge in order to share our honest opinions with you. Always consult with your physician before embarking on any weight loss or exercise program.

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Take advantage of their online support forums & community and join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting Nutrisystem.com!
I think when we surprise our bodies and do something out of our routine it only serves to help us in weight loss, so yay for you on another 2 pounds down!
I agree Liz, sometimes you have to shake it up! Thanks for stopping by!
It can be so hard to stay on program when traveling and socializing but you both handled it really well. Congrats to both of you on another good week!
You are doing amazing!! Congrats on your progress, almost 30 lbs is really great!
Great job to both of you. Glad to hear your knees feel stronger. I’m not sure I’d have the full motivation to stick to it, but sounds like you are both doing awesome, congrats!
Wow, you are both doing great! I know its hard to keep up with any program when you take a trip. That’s the point I always start slipping back into old habits. Congratulations on your losses!
You guys are doing great! I really enjoyed being on Nutrisystem, great program.
Wow! You are doing a terrific job…Way to go!
I’m always excited for you and when I see you have a post up about how your doing I have to hop on over and read about it. I think when you notice you get fuller faster it is a real indication that your stomach is shrinking and your on your way.
I so want to try Nutrisystem!
You rock! You make it look so easy!
Great job! You both are really inspiring and I’m glad to hear you are sticking to it and it’s working even if you have a hectic week.
WOO HOO! way to go!!
I think it’s great to hear (from your hubby’s paragraph) that this system helps you adjust to eating smaller portions and still feeling full. That is so important for later when you’re not on the “diet” to be able to maintain! 🙂 Keep up the great work! 🙂
You’re both still doing AMAZING! I love following your progress.
Way to go!! Every little bit of lost weight helps… it all adds up in the end!
woo-hoo! Still losing after all this time. Now that takes some dedication!