Faces In The Crowd is a suspenseful thriller that follows Anna (Milla Jovovich), a woman who survives an attack by the “Tearjerk Jack” serial killer and is left with “Face blindness”, a condition that renders her unable to recognize anyone’s face, including her own. Terrorized by the killer, she finds herself in a race against time to identify him.
I had expected this film to be more of tense crime drama, but it’s actually a thriller-horror movie. There’s a rather graphic segment at the beginning of the film that I found to be disturbing, so I ended up fast-forwarding through most of this movie. Remember, I only made it ten minutes into Scream 4, so I’m not a big fan of being creeped out. 😉 I think the concept is intriguing, but I found the script to be a little unrealistic and corny. The film utilizes multiple actors and morphs their faces to illustrate to the viewer how Anna sees the world after her injury, and I actually had a hard time telling who was supposed to be who. This made the film a bit confusing to follow, although I can empathize with how the character must have felt!
If you’re a fan of Jovovich and appreciate suspense, you may be interested in checking this movie out. It comes out on October 25th, just in time for Halloween!
Faces In The Crowd will be available on DVD, Blu-Ray, and digitally on October 25th, 2011 – you can click here to pre-order it now on Amazon. You can learn more about this film by visiting Millennium Entertainment’s Facebook and Twitter pages. I received a complimentary DVD for the purposes of this review.
oooh creepy- sounds like something I’d definitely want to watch, but would probably be cowering under the covers!!! But I can see where it would be confusing with all the face morphing. (And I also would not like the gruesome scenes so thanks for the heads up on this one!).
This sounds like a movie I want to watch. I like suspense….
Sounds interesting! And Scream.. those are mostly funny I think.. they play on the formula and cheese factor.
Sounds crazy! I remember seeing an interview with a man who had ‘face blindness’ – what a wild affliction.
I heard something once about face blindness…TV or book maybe? What a horrible thing to have to suffer through! This movie sounds really good!
I am a fan of her, I’m going to have to check this out. Plus I stumbled it for you! Hope someone thumbs it up, but I’m not counting on it. I have the worst luck right now.
Ohhh I LOVE her! I will add this to my movie queue. Sounds creepy. Right up my alley!
I’ve never even heard of this movie! I love Milla Jovovich, though, so I’m gonna have to check this one out! Thanks for suggesting it!!
Okay I never heard of that movie but I am glad to say it is in my Netflix queue now!
So glad I found this on the Facebook page. I had not heard of it before that. Looks super suspenseful and should be a great movie for sure. Looking forward to it.