Would you like a way to streamline the process of updating the software drivers on your PC? THREE lucky Contest Corner readers will each win a one-year DRIVERfighter license key, so read on!
Updating program drivers is one of those things which we know we should do, but probably won’t bother with until there is a problem using a program. DRIVERfighter, the latest program from SPAMfighter, aims to make this process as natural as running a virus scan, by streamlining the process with the click of a button. This unique program scans your computer and tells you how many drivers are currently in need of an update, and gives you the option of having the DRIVERfighter program update them all for you at once. The idea is a great one – no more staring at the driver screen and grumbling the next time your printer stops working! – but how well does it really work?
I had the opportunity to try a complimentary version of this program, and it was super effortless to use. The installation was quick, and when I ran my first scan, it was easy and efficient to do. It told me I had 33 drivers in need of update – yikes! I clicked the button to update all drivers, and it went through a fairly quick process to do so – maybe 15 minutes, although I’m not quite sure as I got up to get myself some dinner while it worked. Once it completed the upgrade, I rebooted my PC, and hey presto! Everything had been updated. It was so painless to do, that when I was telling Jai (AKA Mr. Technical) about it, he was a little skeptical. Since updating drivers can be a dicey process and sometimes takes some careful research to make sure you have the right ones, he wondered if it had really done what it claimed and updated everything. He had a look at the program specs on my computer, and sure enough, everything really had been updated. He said he was impressed!

So as far as I can see, this program is quick to use and does what it sets out to do: Updates all your drivers quickly. I also notice that there is a “Restore” button to help you undo an upgrade if it causes problems – I haven’t used this myself yet, but it seems like a nice touch. I could see this being especially handy for average computer users who want to spare the headache of dealing with those dreaded driver updates!
DRIVERfighter is regularly $29.95, but is currently being offered for the introductory price of $19.95 – click here to get your copy today.
Giveaway Time!

THREE lucky Contest Corner readers will each win a one year DRIVERfighter license key valued at $29.95! Entry is easy via the Rafflecopter form below:
Rules, regulations, and other important stuff: Giveaway is open to residents of the United States, 18+, and ends on October 24th 2012 at 12:01 AM EST. Winners will be chosen through Rafflecopter the same day and notified via email. Winner has 48 hours to respond to our notification email, or a new winner will be chosen in their place. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. We hereby release Facebook of any liability. By entering this giveaway, you are releasing Facebook and understand that you are providing information to Contest Corner and the giveaway sponsor, not Facebook. Contest Corner is not responsible for late entries or entries lost due to technical malfunctions. Please see our Privacy Policy and Disclosure for further details on our site’s policies.
Virus fighter
slow pc fighter
Virus Fighter~~ Thanks
VirusFighter would also be a helpful product since mine doesn’t seem to work well.
Wow, I didn’t know anything like the full disk driver existed! I can definitely use that!
I found out you can get a full-system scan & update yr pc in 2 minutes!!!(Holly) Thanks for the chance…
I love how it can really fight spam which I hate when it gets to my inbox!
I would like spamfighter or passwordfighter. kristiedonelson(at)gmail(dot)com Thank you.