Coconut Flour Breadmaker Loaf – a Recipe & Review

Coconut Flour Breadmaker Loaf – a Recipe & Review

As you may know, I frequently work with Tropical Traditions on a variety of reviews and fun giveaways. Last week, they send me a bag of their Organic Coconut Flour to review. I was excited to give this a whirl, since I love to bake and I also love to experiment in the kitchen! I was planning to make bread this afternoon, so I decided to do a search and see if this could be substituted for regular flour when baking bread. I read up quite a bit on cooking with coconut flour, and it was very interesting.

From what I gather, coconut flour can be used to replace up to 30% of regular flour in a recipe – some recipes can use 100% coconut flour, but it requires tweaking; since coconut flour doesn’t contain any gluten, you need to add eggs as a binding agent so that the mixture doesn’t fall apart. The ratio appears to be roughly 1 egg to every 1/4 cup of coconut flour used. There are many pages dedicated to special coconut flour recipes – Tropical Traditions have some of their own recipes posted here and here (PDF file) – and while I found a variety of bread recipes using coconut flour (Such as this one), I didn’t see any geared specifically towards using a breadmaker. So I decided to create my own breadmaker recipe by modifying one of my favorites out of my bread machine’s user manual.

Baking with coconut flour

The recipe I adapted was for French bread, and called for flour, salt, butter, water and yeast.

Coconut flour bread batter

I substituted 1/2 cup of all-purpose flour with the coconut flour. It has a lovely coconut scent and a darker color than regular flour.

Adding eggs as a binding agent for the coconut flour

I then added two eggs as a binding agent for the coconut flour, then proceeded with the rest of the ingredients as normal.

The final result:

Coconut flour bread loaf

Coconut flour bread slices

We made sandwiches with it, and it was very nice! The main difference is that this bread is extremely dense – Jai describes it as “Approaching an English Muffin” – and slightly drier, which I expected, since coconut flour absorbs more liquid than regular flour. It had a slightly different flavor, almost like tasting a hint of wheat bread. I enjoyed this, and I would make it again.

So here’s the recipe:

Beeb’s Coconut Flour Breadmaker Loaf – Adapted from a recipe in the Panasonic Bread Bakery manual

2 1/2 cups All-Purpose flour
1/2 cup coconut flour
2 eggs
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 TBSP butter
10 1/2 fl. oz. water
1 tsp dry yeast

Add all ingredients and select BAKE mode. Alternatively, you can add an extra teaspoon of yeast and select BAKE RAPID mode. This recipe was created and tested using a Panasonic SD-YD250 Bread Machine.

Disclaimer: Tropical Traditions provided me with a free sample of this product to review, and I was under no obligation to review it if I so chose. Nor was I under any obligation to write a positive review or sponsor a product giveaway in return for the free product.

45 thoughts on “Coconut Flour Breadmaker Loaf – a Recipe & Review

  1. Sounds yummy! I’ve never even heard of coconut flour! I may just have to pull my bread-maker out of retirement for this one!

  2. That loaf looks great! If it tastes like wheat bread, I wonder how it would be to substitute part of the all-purpose flour for whole wheat? It would probably make for a really nice dense loaf.

  3. Hi everyone!

    Sagan, I definitely think you could substitute whole wheat flour with good results. Here’s a helpful article I found on baking with wheat flour:

    You could probably do wheat flour and coconut flour in the same recipe, so long as you had time to experiment and made sure to add enough liquid to compensate for the drier qualities of those flours vs. white flour.

    And Candace – you are gonna LOVE owning a bread maker!!

  4. That made me a bit hungry, LOL! Looks delicious! THanks for the recipe!

  5. Really interesting, I was wondering whether you could interchange coconut flour with regular flour. I don’t have a bread machine, I really need to go out and get myself one!

  6. I love anything coconut! You inspired me to get my bread machine back out!

  7. the bread looks really good!! What can be done to replace the all purpose flour since I cant have gluten. What do you sugguest?

  8. Anita, that’s a great question! I wonder if you could replace the all-purpose flour with a gluten-free flour? I did a Google search and found these links:

    I’ve never tried this recipe with a gluten-free flour instead of all-purpose, so I have no idea how it would turn out or if it would work. I wonder if you would need to add more eggs as a binding agent?
    It would certainly be worth a try, though! If I had any gluten-free flour on hand I would try experimenting with it myself.

  9. I don’t have a breadmaker! I think I would make a lot more bread if I did! This looks like an interesting variation!

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  14. This is fantastic! I have coconut flour that I’d love to make bread with – do you think I could do this in the oven (since I have no breadmaker)?

  15. Great recipe! I didn’t know how to replace coconut flour and learned something. I also get products from Tropical Traditions to blog about, so this is great! And, my bread machine just came in the mail yesterday!

  16. Hello Beeb,

    Is there any chance you could convert the ingredients for this great looking bread into grams for me? I tried converting myself with a couple of other recipes and they turned into disasters. But I thought, you being British, would be able to. I live in Germany and my bread machine specifies only grams. Thanks.

    Jean Kroeber

  17. I’m new to the world of bread machines, and was looking for recipe help for my first time using coconut flour. I have anothing Oster machine, so I ended up using your information about 1/4 cup flour to 1 egg…then chose the light rye recipe in the basic section of the machine’s recipe book. 1 3/8 cups water, 1 1/2 tablespoons butter, 1 3/4 teaspoons salt, 3 cups bread flour, 1 cup coconut flour, 2 1/8 teaspoons yeast, 2 tablespoons chia seeds, and 4 eggs. It turned out really well. It was less dense than I expected, and it held up well to slicing and sandwiches. I’m not sure how to describe the flavor the coconut flour adds, but I like it very much. Thanks for all the information!

  18. Ugh…that should read “I have an Oster…” can’t find an edit feature

  19. That’s great, Abigail, thanks so much for sharing your recipe! I’m so glad this could help!

  20. Hi Beeb, I wrote you in Jan. asking if you could give me your recipe in grams and you said you would work on a conversion. Do you have that yet, and may I have so I can finally make this bread.
    Thanks so much,
    Jean Kroeber

  21. Hi Jean! I appreciate you checking back. This has actually been in my planner to do ever since I got your message, and unfortunately I’ve been so swamped that I just haven’t gotten a chance to do it. I look at it on my to do list frequently and I hope to be able to test something in the near future, I’ll follow up with a post as soon as I can. Thanks so much for reading, hopefully we can get you some workable coconut bread!

  22. Hi i tried to make this bread. I added all the ingredients into the bread machine pan as instructed and selected the bake button. However my bake button only bakes,no mix,knead, rise. Just starts baking. I finally took it out and mixed in a bowl and put it back in but no rise and just glops of dough. Had to dump it. Perhaps the bake button on your machine is different that mine Kuissential machine. Help what went wrong.

  23. Hi Theresa, thanks for commenting and I’m sorry to hear that your bread didn’t turn out! I have a Panasonic SD-YD250 bread machine and both the Bake/Bake rapid options automatically mix/kneads the dough and allows the bread to rise. Since your Kuissential machine only has a “Bake” option that doesn’t do any of the mixing or rising, that would be why it didn’t turn out. It didn’t occur to me that some machines might not knead or mix the dough at all, so that is really good to know – I’ve updated the recipe to note my bread machine model. Thank you for the helpful feedback!

  24. Hello Beeb,
    I may have missed it, do you have a recipe without yeast for a bread machine? My machine is a Hamilton Beach, if it makes a difference. I am very new to using this machine!
    Thanks in advance!

  25. Hi Barbara! Thank you for checking out this recipe. Unfortunately, I do not have a recipe without yeast for a bread machine. 🙁

  26. Hi Beeb, my wife and I are eating Keto at the moment and are quite good with almond and lupin flour breads from our machine.

    Do you have a fully keto recipe for coconut flour bread that we can try please.

  27. Hi Andy, thanks for stopping by! I’ve actually been eating primarily low-carb/keto for the last few years as well. I’ve never tried making a keto version of this recipe, but you’ve piqued my interest, so I looked up whether coconut flour and almond flour can be used in conjunction with each other, since you can only replace around 30% of all-purpose flour with coconut flour; it does seem to be possible, albeit hit or miss, but apparently the ratio varies a lot depending on the recipe, as almond flour also needs a binding agent and can be more prone to falling apart when used in conjunction with coconut flour. I’ve never heard of lupin flour before, I’ll have to look into that one! I do have a bag of almond flour in my cupboard, so I’ll have to experiment and see if I can come up with a keto version of this recipe – if I’m successful, I’ll definitely share the recipe here on the blog and let you know!

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