And the winners of the Chica Password Manager giveaway are…
Winner #1 is comment number 19, heather c, who said: “Tweet – http://twitter.com/#!/ilovetoclap/status/146468157358489600“ This is Heather’s second Contest Corner win – she was also a winner in the Write Publish & Market Your Book e-Book giveaway last month!
Winner #2 is comment number 9, Grr, who said:
“Thanks for ur giveaway. Appreciate if u could count me in.
I have tweeted:
Shared the below article on facebook
A computer nightmare was when my laptop had a trouble and something went wrong. The tech did something and removed all my saved login info in Firefox. The worst was that I was not even having the login name of couple of sites, as I used to have all saved in browser.
I wish I had Chica Password Manager – which should have prevented my nightmare of washed login/passwords, as I had to spent days retrieving them (though not all).
Thanks, Grr”
Winner #3 is comment number 3, angela s, who said: “tweed http://twitter.com/#!/saverang/status/135482507427721217“
Winner #4 is comment number 12, Gingermommy, who said: “http://twitter.com/#!/Gingermommy/status/143710708469727233”
Winner #5 is comment number 10, monique, who said: “Tweeted http://twitter.com/#!/armsofasister/status/136969526058299392
My blog password was compromised and it was hacked. It was a pain to get it fixed. Had I had a security key, this wouldn’t have happened. I didn’t know that you could get a virus on your cell phone – had no clue! http://www.chicalogic.com/tips-tricks/tech-trends/malware-on-your-smartphone“ This is Monique’s second Contest Corner win – she was also a winner in our last ChicaLogic giveaway for ChicaPC-fix!
Chica Password Manager is valued at $29.95, but you can purchase it for a limited time at the introductory price of $19.95 – that’s a 33% savings! Click here to purchase the product on ChicaLogic.com.