I hope that all of you ghouls and goblins had a frightfully good Halloween! This is one of my favorite days of the year; I love everything about it. I always put a lot of thought into my costumes, but this Halloween I was having difficulty figuring out what to wear. I thought about going as She-Ra, but with my current knee problems I needed something I could wear my orthopedic sneakers with. I was stumped until a few days ago, when I had a flash of brilliance and figured it out: This year, I would go as Adam Levine!

Besides the fact that I’m a hardcore Maroon 5 fan, this costume works for a few other reasons. Anyone who knows me in person can tell you that I’m a very girlie-girl who lives in makeup and dresses. One year when I was in a heavily goth period with bright pink hair, I went as “Normal” for Halloween by wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and a blonde wig – and no one recognized me because I looked so different. So going out in pants and almost no makeup is a costume for me! 😉

To make this costume, I bought a pair of jeans and a man’s tank top at Goodwill, and paired it with a black wig, a guitar-shaped purse, and some Maroon 5 badges. I used a henna tattoo kit to recreate Adam Levine’s body art – I pulled up some photos of his tattoos and showed them to Jai, who was assigned the task of imitating them as best he could.

“Los Angeles”
Neck/Chest Tattoos
Back tattoos – the stick figure pin-up girl cracks me up!
I also carved a little pumpkin with the Maroon 5 band logo to go with my costume.

What did you dress up as for Halloween, readers? Tell me about it in the comments!
LOL that is great! I went as mom haha
nice tats! 🙂 I didn’t dress up…unless you count the 3 layers of clothes I wore to go out trick or treating with my kids!
LOL…great costume! Love all the details like the tattoos!
OMG you are awesome! Love it love it!!
Nice!!! Love the tats!!